term chap 11.txt

  1. adnexa
    appendages or accessory structures of an organ
  2. orbit also known as?
    • eye socket
    • MT?
  3. orbit
    bony cavity of the skull that contains and protects the eyeball and its associated muscles, blood vessels, and nerves
  4. OD
    • right eye; oculus dexter
    • abbrev?
  5. OS
    • left eye; oculus sinister
    • abbrev?
  6. OU
    • each eye or both eyes; oculus uterque
    • abbrev?
  7. oculus sinister
    left eye; OS
  8. oculus dexter
    right eye; OD
  9. oculus uterque
    each eye or both eyes
  10. tarsus is also known as?
    • tarsal plate
    • MT?
  11. tarsus
    framework within the upper and lower eyelids that provides the necessary stiffness and shape
  12. conjunctiva
    transparent mucous membrane that lines the underside of each eyelid and continues to form a protective covering to form a protective covering over the exposed surface of the eyeball
  13. lacrimal apparatus also known as?
    • tear apparatus
    • MT?
  14. lacrimal apparatus
    structures that produce, store, and remove tears
  15. intraocular pressure
    measurement of the fluid pressure inside the eye
  16. IOP
    • intraocular pressure
    • abbrev?
  17. rods and cones
    retina receive images that have passed through the lens of the eye
  18. iris
    colorful muscular layer of the eye that surrounds the pupil
  19. emmetropia
    normal relationship between the refractive power of the eye and the shape of the eye that enables light rays to focus correctly on the retina
  20. ophthalmologist
    physican who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the eyes and vision
  21. optometrist
    dr. of optometry degree and specializes in measuring the accuracy of vision to determine whether corrective lenses are needed
  22. blepharoptosis
    drooping of the upper eyeld that is usually due to paralysis
  23. chalazion also known as?
    • internal stye
    • MT?
  24. chalazion
    localized swelling inside the eyelid resulting from obstruction a sebceous gland
  25. ectropion
    eversion (turn outward) of the edge of an eyelid
  26. entropion
    inversion (turn inward) of the edge of an eyelid
  27. hordeolum also known as?
    • stye
    • MT?
  28. hordeolum
    pus-filled lesion on the eyelid resutling from an infection in a sebaceous glad
  29. periorbital edema
    swelling surrounding the eye or eyes
  30. conjunctivitis also known as?
    • pinkeye
    • MT?
  31. conjunctivitis
    inflammation of the conjunctiva
  32. dacryoadentitis
    inflammation of the lacrimal gland that can be caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection
  33. Xerophthalmia also known as?
    • dry eye
    • MT?
  34. exerophthalmia
    drying of eye surfaces including conjunctiva
  35. iritis
    inflammation of the uveal tract affecting primarily structures in front of the eye
  36. keratitis
    inflammation of the cornea
  37. pterygium
    benign growth on the cornea that can become large enough to distort vision
  38. scleritis
    inflammation of the sclera
  39. anisocoria
    condition in which the pupils are unequal in size
  40. cataract
    loss of transparency of the lens that causes a progressive loss of visual clarity
  41. PERLLA
    • pupils are equal, round, responsive to light and accomodation
    • abbrev?
  42. nystagmus
    involuntary, constant, rhythmic movement of the eyeball that can be congenital or caused by a neurological injry or drug use
  43. papilledema also known as?
    • choked disk
    • MT?
  44. papilledema
    swelling and inflammation of the optic nerve at the point of eneternce into the eye through the optic disk
  45. glaucoma
    diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure that cuase damage to the retinal nerve fibers and the optic nerve
  46. diplopia also known as?
    • double vision
    • MT?
  47. diplopia
    preception of two images of a single object
  48. hemianopia
    blindness in one-half of the visual field
  49. nyctalopia also known as/
    • night blindness
    • MT?
  50. nyctalopia
    an individual with normal daytime vision has difficulty seeing at night
  51. presbyopia
    common changes in the eyes that occur with aging
  52. strabismus
    disorder in which the eyes point in different directions or are not aligned correctly because the eye muscles are unable to focus together
  53. esotropia also known as?
    • crosseyes
    • MT?
  54. esotropia
    inward deviation of one or both eyes
  55. exotropia also known as?
    • walleye
    • MT?
  56. exotropia
    outward deviation of one eye relative to the other
  57. ametropia
    any error of refraction in which images do not focus properly on the retina
  58. astigmatism
    condition in which the eye does not focus properly because of uneven curvatures of the cornea
  59. hyperopia also known as?
    • farsightedness
    • MT?
  60. hyperopia
    defect in which light rays focus beyond the retina
  61. myopia also known as?
    • nearsightedness
    • MT?
  62. myopia
    defect in which light rays focus in front of the retina
  63. amblyopia
    dimness of vision or the partial loss of sight, especially in one eye without detectable disease of the eye
  64. scotoma also known as?
    • blind spot
    • MT?
  65. scotoma
    abnormal area of absent or depressed vision surrounded by an area of normal vision
  66. ophthalmoscopy
    visual examination of the fundus (back part) of the eye with an ophthalmoscope
  67. fluorescein angiography
    readiographic study of blood vessels in the retina of the eye following the intravenous injection of a flueorescein dye as a contract medium
  68. tonometry
    measurement of intraocular pressure
  69. tarsorrhaphy
    partial or complete suturing together of the upper and lower eyelids
  70. iridectomy
    surgical removal of a portion of the tissue of the iris
  71. radial keratotomy
    surgical procedue to treat myopia
  72. vitrectomy
    removal of vitreaous fluid and its replcement with a clear solution
  73. laser trabeculoplasty
    treat open angle glaucoma by creating openins in the trabecular meshwork to allow fluid to drain properly
  74. LASIK
    Laser Assisten in Situ Keratomileusis
  75. retinopexy
    reattach the detached area in a retinal detachment
  76. tympanic membrane
    located between outer and middle ear. (eardrum)
  77. inner ear
    contans sensory receptors for hearing and balance
  78. audiologist
    specializes in measurement of hearing function and in the rehabilitation of apersons with eharing impairments
  79. otalgia
    pain in the ear
  80. otitis
    inflmmation of the ear
  81. otomycosis
    fungal infection of the external auditory canal
  82. otopyorrhea
    flow of pus from ear
  83. otorrhagia
    bleeding from the ear
  84. barotrauma
    pressure related ear discomfort that can e caused by pressure changes when flying, driving etc
  85. eustachitis
    inflammation of the eustachian tube
  86. infectious myringitis
    contagious inflammation that caused painful blisters on the eardrum
  87. otosclerosis
    abnormal hardening of bones of the middle ear results in hear loss
  88. labyrinthitis
    inflammation of the inner ear
  89. vertigo
    sense of whirling, dizziness, and the loss of balance combined with nausea and vommitting
  90. tinnitus
    ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound in one or both ears
  91. presybusis
    gradual loss of sensorineural hearing which occurs with age
  92. tympanometry
    use of air pressure in the ear canal to test for disorders of the middle ear
  93. mastoidectomy
    surgical removal of mastoid cells
  94. myringotomy
    incision in the eardrum to creat an opening for the placement of tympanostomy tubes
  95. tympanostomy tubes
    tiny veintilating tubes plced throuh the eardrum to provide ongoing drainage for fluids and to relieve pressure that can build up after childhood
  96. stapedectomy
    removal of the top portion of the stapes bone and insertion of a small prosthetic device known as piston
  97. labyrinthectomy
    removal o all or portion of inner ear
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term chap 11.txt
chap 11