
  1. First European to round Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa.

    From Portugal
    Bartolomeu Dias
  2. Viking that explored Newfoundland in 1001
    Leif Ericson
  3. Set out to discover a trade route to the West Indies in 1492, instead discovered San Salvador in the Bahamas
    Christopher Columbus
  4. Explored Greenland, Labrador and Newfoundland in 1497 sailing under the British flag.
    John Cabot
  5. First to reach India from Europe by sea. 1497-1498 represented Portugal
    Vasco da Gama
  6. Sailed around Africa to India in 1500. Represented Portugal
    Pedro Cabral
  7. Crossed the isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513. Represented Spain
    Vasco do Balboa
  8. First to Sail around the globe.
    Ferdinand Magellan
  9. Discovered Florida 1513
    Juan Ponce de Leon
  10. discovered the Aztec kingdom of Mexico. 1519-1521
    Hernando Cortes
  11. Explored eastern coast of North America in 1524
    Giovanni da Verrazano
  12. Explored Florida to Mexico in 1528 under the Spanish flag.
    Panfilo do Narvaez
  13. discovered the Inca empire of Peru 1531
    Francisco Pizarro
  14. Discovered St. Lawrence River in 1535
    Jacques Cartier
  15. Explored Canada and Quebec and the Zuni pueblos of New Mexico 1539
    Esteban and Father Marcos
  16. Explored the Mississippi River and the American southeast, representing Spain from 1539-1542
    Hernando DeSoto
  17. Explored the American southwest for the country of Spain from 1540-1542
    Francisco de Coronado
  18. Explored California in 1542 for Spain
    Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo
  19. first English circumnavigation of the world
    Sir Francis Drake
  20. First European to explore and describe the Great Lakes.
    Samuel de Champlain
  21. Explored the Hudson River and Hudson Bay
    Henry Hudson
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Early European Explorers