Speech/Hearing Science

  1. Neural pathways that transmit sensory information toward the CNS are
  2. The meninges are a protective system of issue and fluid surrounding what?
    brain and spinal cord
  3. The Central Nervous System is comprised of
    Brain and spinal cord
  4. The midbrain, pons, and medulla are components of the
  5. Wernicke's area is located in which lobe?
  6. The frontal lobe is primarily responsible for what skill set?
    executive functioning
  7. The sensory cortex is found on the postcentral gyrus located in which lobe?
  8. The peripheral nervous system is comprosed of what?
    cranial nerves and spinal nerves
  9. cranial nerve origins are within the
  10. the spinal cord is a continuation of the brainstem and contains the cell bodies for ______ pairs of spinal nerves?
  11. What structure is first to respond to an emotional event?
  12. What was the origin (etiology) of Marvin's disorder?
  13. What are some changes in Marvin's personality that are evident because of his disorder?
    he hasn't been able to work and cannot make important decisions
  14. "For Marvin, memories are bereft of _______."
  15. Emotions have specific neural circuitry.
  16. Emotions have a purpose, which are life-saving at times.
  17. What was the origin (etiology) of Johnny's disorder?
    car accident
  18. In PTSD, ________is ________ by emotion.
    thinking, hyjacked
  19. What part of the brain mediates the fear response of the amygdala?
    frontal cortex
  20. What chemical initiates the "fight of flight" response?
  21. What was the origin (etiology) of Lauren's disorder?
    severe depression
  22. The prefrontal cortex is _____________ in depression
    dull & silent
  23. The emotional brain stops sending signals the prefrontal cortex during periods of chronic depression
  24. There are critical periods during childhood where the brain is remarkably plastic.
  25. Brain cells are called _____ their connections are called __________ and the chemicals they produce are called ________.
    neurons, synapse, neurotransmitters.
  26. trigeminal (V)

    • touch, pressure, pain, proprioception, temperature from facial nerves
    • mastication
  27. Facial (VII)
    • motor for face
    • controls facial expression
    • helps move larynx up and back
    • 2/3 taste of tongue
  28. Bell's Palsy
    viral disease
  29. Vestibulocochlear VII
    • balance
    • inner ear
  30. Glossopharyngeal IX
    • external ear
    • posterior 1/3 tongue
  31. Vagus X
  32. Vagus X
    • left, descends into the chest under aorta into larynx
    • right, chest to subclavian artery before ascending

    • phonation/swallowing
    • /a/ test gag reflex
    • taste buds around epiglottis
  33. Hypoglossal XII
    • motor nerve
    • shortening, narrowing, elongating, and flattening of tongue
  34. CNS=
    brain/spinal cord
  35. PNS=
    cranial, spinal cord
  36. sensory
  37. motor
  38. Lobes and their function
    frontal-motor, Broca's area

    parietal-sensory area, somatic sensory area


    temporal-auditory, Wernicke's
  39. cranial nerves
    trigeminal V, Facial VII, Vestibulocochlear VIII, Glossopharyngeal IX, Vagus X, Hypoglossal XII
  40. circle of Willis
    the arteries that supply the brain are patterned in roughly circular fashion

    internal carotid/vertebral
  41. Nervous System
    controller of movement, speech, respiration, phonation, artic. & swallowing
  42. brain
    • weighs 1400 grams= 3 lbs
    • neurons/ glial cells (connective) (reproduce unlike neurons)
    • nourish gray matter (neurons) and remove waste
  43. axon
    sends nerves away
  44. dura meter
    attached to skull
  45. arachnoid meter
  46. cranial nerves orginates in
  47. hemispheres are not mirror images of each other
  48. dura meter
    outermost meningeal layer
  49. cerebral spinal fluid
    • prevent infection
    • prevents the brain from crushing nerve roots and blood vessels into the skull
  50. gryi
    shallow depression
  51. sulci
    deeper grooves called fissures
  52. amygdala
    emotions to events and behaviors
  53. Choroid plexus fluid cells
    manufacture cerebrospinal fluid, which travels around the brain and spinal cord and eventually drains into the veins.
  54. corpus callosum
    major pathway linking the two hemispheres of the brain
  55. cerebrum
    longitudinal fissure, central sulcus, lateral sulcus
  56. middle cerebral artery
    • supplies blood to cerebrum
    • not part of the Circle of Willis
  57. decussation
    crossing of motor fibers that pass from the brain the medulla and so on
  58. cerebrospinal fluid
    • between arachnoid mater/pia meter
    • acts as cushion for the skull
  59. pons
    • brain stem
    • in front cerebellum
  60. ipsilateral
  61. contralateral
    other side
  62. thalamus
    • sensation
    • motor
    • sleep/alert
  63. all dementia
  64. thalamus
    process/transmit info to and from cotrical locations
  65. midbrain
    flow/direction of info
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Speech/Hearing Science
speech/hearing test