GEO 102

  1. Possibilism
    Explain relationships between human activities and the physical environment
  2. Environmental Determinism
    How the physical environment caused social development
  3. Map
    A two-dimensional or flat representation of Earths surface or a portion of it.
  4. Cartography
    The Science of mapmaking
  5. Projection
    transferring location on earths surface to a flat map
  6. Remote Sensing
    The acquisition of data about earth's surface from a satellite orbiting earth or from other long-distance methods.
  7. Site
    Physical Characteristics of a place
  8. Situation
    location of a place relative to other places
  9. Toponym
    name given to a place on earth
  10. Region
    An area on earth with a unique combination of features
  11. Cultural Landscape
    A combination of cultural features such as language and religion, economic features such as agriculture and industry, and physical features such as climate and vegetation.
  12. Functional Region
    An area organized around a node or focal point
  13. Formal Region (Uniform or Homogenous Region)
    an area within which everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristics
  14. Vernacular or Perceptual Region
    a place that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity. ie, the South
  15. Globalization
    A force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope
  16. Distribution
    The arrangement of a feature in space.
  17. Geographers ask:
    Where and Why
  18. Density
    The number of people occupying an area of land
  19. Concentration
    • The extent of a feature's spread over space. If the objects in an area are close together, they are clustered.
    • If relatively far apart, they are dispersed.
  20. Pattern
    The geometric arrangement of objects in space
  21. Distance Decay
    Contact diminishes with increasing distance and eventually dissapears
  22. Diffusion
    The process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another over time
  23. Relocation Diffusion
    The spread of an idea through physical movement of people from one place to another.
  24. Expansion Diffusion
    The spread of a feature from one place to another in a snowballing process.
  25. Arithmetic Density
    Total number of people divided by total land area
  26. Arable Land
    Land suited for agriculture
  27. Physiological Density
    The number of people supported by a unit area of arable land
  28. Agricultural Density
    The ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land.
  29. Natural Increase Rate
    Percentage by which a population grows in a year
  30. Crude Birth Rate
    Total number of live births in a year for every 1000 people alive in the society
  31. Crude Death Rate
    total number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society.
  32. Total Fertility Rate
    Average number of children a woman will have throughtout her childbearing years
  33. Infant Mortality Rate
    Annual number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age, compared with total live births
  34. Life Expectancy
    The average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live at curent infant mortality rates
  35. Dependency Ratio
    The number of people who are too young or too old to work compared to the number of people in their productive years.
  36. Demographic transition
    process of change of a country's population structure
  37. Thomas Malthus
    English Economist was one of the first to argue that the world's rate of population was far outrunning the development of food supplies.
  38. Interregional Migration
    migration between regions within a country
  39. Intraregional migration
    migration within a region of a country
  40. Dialect
    A regional variation of a language distinguished by distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.
  41. Noah Webster
    Creator of the first comprehensive american dictionary and grammar books
  42. Lingua Franca
    A language of international communication
  43. Three properties of distribution are:
    density, concentration, and pattern
  44. Location can be described by:
    site, situation, and toponyms
Card Set
GEO 102