Sensory Motor Development

  1. Sensory motor development occcurs
    from birth to 2 years
  2. Sensory motor development is
    The ability of the brain to organize input for use in movement, static positioning, knowledge about environment
  3. Vestibular system is
    • Sensory System
    • Mechanism located in the inner ear and is activated by movement or by changing head postion
  4. Functions of Vestibular System Include
    • Maintiaining Equilibrium
    • Direction of eye gaze
    • Maintaining vision dependent upon head position
  5. Proprioceptive/Kisnesthetic System is
    • Sensory system
    • Provides info from inside the body-especially muscles, joints and ligaments.
    • Provides internal awareness of body parts to allow us to perform activities w/ coordination
  6. Functions of the proprioceptive system include:
    • Providing input for joint stability
    • Joint movement/position in space
  7. Pts. must learn to control proprioceptive System
    To provide co-contraction of muscles for joint stability and alert them to position of their body & body parts in relationship to the environment.
  8. Activities used to stimulate proprioceptive system include:
    • body weight
    • punch a bag
    • wearing weights
    • teeter-totters
    • climbing activities
  9. Tactile System
    Responsible for sensory messages rcvd through our skin.
  10. Fucntions of the tactile system are:
    Aid in use of touch to lear abou tthe body and environment
  11. Pts. must learn to use the tactile system
    as a basic component of motor learning & to help determine the quality of objects as well as own body.
  12. Activities used to stimulate the tactile area are
    • patting on the back
    • arm aruond the shoulder
    • back rub
    • deep and light massage
    • use of different textures
    • brushing
    • vibrators
  13. Motor planning system helps
    Child's ability to organize, plan and execute a new or unpracticed motor task
  14. Motor planning development is directly related:
    to development of the sensory systems, especially the tactile system.
  15. Activities used to stimulate Motor Planning System Are:
    • Improving tactile responses
    • movement
    • kinesthetic-proprioceptive processing
    • increase body awareness
  16. Equilibruim System is
    Responsible for the ability of the body to adjust to movements or shifts to maintain or regain balance
  17. Equilibrium system is closely linked to
    vestibular and kinesthetic sensory systems
  18. Activities used to stimulate the Equilibrium system:
    • Balance type activities using the individual's own body or other apparatus that challenges the pts ability to cope
    • Rolling
    • Spinning
    • Rocking
    • Swinging
    • Oscillation
    • Changes in position
Card Set
Sensory Motor Development
Sensory Motor Development