
  1. anter/o
  2. caud/o
    tail (downward)
  3. cephal/o
    head (upward)
  4. dist/o
    away (from the point of attachment of a body part)
  5. dors/o
  6. infer/o
  7. later/o
  8. medi/o
  9. poster/o
    back, behind
  10. proxim/o
    near (the point of attachment of a body part)
  11. super/o
  12. ventr/o
    belly (front)
  13. P bi
  14. P uni
  15. S ad
  16. S ior
    pertaining to
  17. caudad
    toward the tail (downward)
  18. cephalad
    toward the head (upward)
  19. lateral (lat)
    pertaining to a side
  20. medial (med)
    pertaining to the middle
  21. unilateral
    pertaining to one side (only)
  22. bilateral
    pertaining to two sides
  23. mediolateral
    pertaining to the middle and to the side
  24. distal
    pertaining to away (from the point of attachment of a body part)
  25. proximal
    pertaining to near (to the point of attachment of a body part)
  26. inferior (inf)
    pertaining to below
  27. superior (sup)
    pertaining to above
  28. caudal
    pertaining to the tail (similar to inferior in most instances related to human anatomy)
  29. cephalic
    pertaining to the head
  30. anterior (ant)
    pertaining to the front
  31. posterior
    pertaining to the back
  32. dorsal
    pertaining to the back
  33. ventral
    pertaining to the belly
  34. anteroposterior (ap)
    pertaining to the front and to the back
  35. posteroanterior
    pertaining to the back and to the front
  36. frontal or coronal
    vertical field passing through the body from side to side, dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions
  37. sagittal
    vertical field running through the body from front to back, dividing the body into right and left sides
  38. midsagittal
    divides the body into right and left halves
  39. transverse
    horizontal field dividing the body into upper and lower portions
  40. umbilical region
    around the navel (umbilicus)
  41. epigastric region
    directly above the umbilical region
  42. hypogastric region
    directly below the umbilical region
  43. hypochondriac region
    to the right and left of the epigastric region
  44. lumbar region
    to the right and left of the umbilical region
  45. iliac region
    to the right and left of the hypogastric region
  46. right upper quadrant (RUQ)
    refers to the area encompassing the right lobe of the liver, the gallbladder, part of the pancreas, portions of the small and large intestines, and the right kidney
  47. left upper quadrant (LUQ)
    refers to the area encompassing the left lobe of the liver, the stomach, the spleen, part of the pancreas, portions of the small and large intestines, and the left kidney
  48. right lower quadrant (RLQ)
    refers to the area encompassing portions of the small and large intestines, the appendix, the right ureter, and the right ovary and uterine tube in women or the right spermatic duct in men
  49. left lower quadrant (LLQ)
    refers to the area encompassing portions of the small and large intestines, the left ureter, and the left ovary and uterine tube in women or the left spermatic duct in men
  50. abbreviation for anterior
  51. abbreviation for anteroposterior
  52. abbreviation for inferior
  53. abbreviation for lateral
  54. abbreviation for left lower quadrant
  55. abbreviation for left upper quadrant
  56. abbreviation for medial
  57. abbreviation for posteroanterior
  58. abbreviation for right lower quadrant
  59. abbreviation for right upper quadrant
  60. abbreviation for superior
  61. temporal artery
    over the temporal bone on each side of the head lateral to each eyebrow
  62. carotid artery
    on the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, just medial and inferior to the angle of the jaw.
  63. apical artery
    over the apex of the heart at the fourth or fifth intercostal space, left midcavicular line
  64. brachial artery
    in the groove between the biceps and triceps, just medial to the biceps tendon.
  65. radial artery
    lateral and anterior side of the wrist, proximal to the first medicarpal phalangeal joint
  66. femoral artery
    inferior and medial to the inguinal ligament; if the patient is obese, the pulse is found midway between anterior superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle
  67. dorsalis pedis artery
    the dorsal surface of the foot, with the foot slightly dorsiflexed
  68. posterior tibial artery
    found posterior and slightly inferior to the medial malleolus of the ankle.
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medical terminology