preventive dentistry

  1. What are the parts of a tooth brush?
    head, handle, tufts, toe, heel, shank
  2. Bristles are bunched together are known as
  3. The head is divded into the ___, which is the end of the head, and the _____, which is closes to the handle.
    toe, heel
  4. Usually occurs between the handle and the head
  5. A term used to describe the heat treatment in which each filament end is sealed.
    end rounding
  6. Bristle resistance to pressure and is also referred to as firmness, stiffness, and hardness.
  7. What are the objectives of toothbrushing
    • remove plaque and disturb reformation.
    • clean teeth of food, debris and stain.
    • stimulate the ginigival tissues.
    • apply dentifrice with specific ingredients to address caries, periodontal disease, or sensitivit.
  8. This method is effective in removing plaque at the gumline and directly below the gumline. The bristle are angled apically at 45 degree angle and gently placed subgingivally into the sulcus.
    bass method
  9. Method most appropriate for children, bristles are placed apically, and brush head shold be touching the facial or lingual surface of the tooth.
    rolling method
  10. Was orginally developed to massage and provide gingival stimulation while cleaning the cervical area.
    Stillman's method
  11. Effective in cleaning around devices such as orthodontics and plaque under abutments of bridges.
    Charters method
  12. This should not be used by adults. The teeth are clenched and brush placed inside the cheeks. The brush is moved in a circular motion over max and mand teeth.
    fones method
  13. The toothbrush is placed at 90 degrees and the teeth are held at edge to edge and brushed up and down.
    leonard method
  14. the teeth are placed edge to edge, while the brush stays at a 90 degrees angle. The brush is moved in a horizonal motion, can cause abrasion
  15. Follows the patttern that food does during mastication. Bristles go directly onto the occlusal surace and brush back and forth reaching from the occlusal gingiva. Also recommends few strokes to clean sulcus.
  16. 1st advertized in 1886 but didn't show up in US until 1960's. Categorized as mechanical, ionic, sonic. Main power is oscillation and reciprocation.
    Powered toothbrushes
  17. Its best to suggest to pts to brush ? stokes in each area, or use a timer
    5-10 strokes
  18. what are the 2 ways the occlusal surfaces can be cleaned?
    • 1. short vibratory strokes, with pressure using penetration of the pits and fissures.
    • 2. rapid back n forth vib motion to force bristles in pits n fissures, followed by sweep motion to expel dislodged debris.
  19. Teach your patients to brush up and down
    Anterior Lingual Areas
  20. Children are to begin brushing sequence on?
    occlusal surfaces at one molar end of te max and then to mand arch
  21. Adult pts are to to begin with?
    distal surface of most posterior tooth and continue brushing the occlusal and incisal surface around each arch
  22. Right-handed people often miss which side of arch?
  23. The main purpose of toothbrushing is to remove?
    dental plaque, including the gi ngival crevice, with minimal amt of damage to teeth and surrounding structures
  24. provide ways of checking the thoroughness of cleaning the teeth, may be in chewed up tablet form or liquid-should be swished 15-30 sec
    Disclosing agents
  25. the wearing away? occurs from high abrasive dentifrices, too firm brush bristles, incorrect brushing, and excessive pressure...
    Toothbrush abrasion
  26. tooth damage occurs as ? shaped, horizonal notch immediately apical to the cej
  27. what is the avg life of toothbrush?
    3 mos
  28. Another name for bad breath
  29. What is mushroom-shaped that creates elevations and depressions in the tongue that can hold bacteria
    fungiform papillae
  30. Teeth that serve as an achor tooth
  31. The term ____ is derived from dens and fricare. Mixture used on the tooth in conjunction with a toothbrush
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preventive dentistry
preventive dentistry