Quiz #1 MS

  1. What is the pathology of MS
    • Immune-mediated demyelinating disease
    • Plaque formation in CNS
  2. What are common lesion sites for MS
    • Optic Nerve
    • white matter
    • cerebral cortex
    • brainstem
    • cerebellum
    • spinal cord
  3. What is the etiology of MS
    • Environmental
    • Genetics (primary relative)
    • immune reaction
    • viral infection
    • Stress and pregnancy can cause an exacerbation
  4. Does geographic distribution increase risk of MS
    Research has shown the further from the equator the higher the risk. May be due to Vitamin D
  5. What are the main signs/symptoms of MS
    • Fatigue
    • sensory changes (paresthesia)
    • pain
    • spasticity
  6. What are other signs/symptoms of MS
    • weakness
    • altered mobility
    • altered balance
    • heat intolerance
    • visual impairments
    • cognitive impairments
    • BB disfunction
    • altered speech
    • swallowing dysfunction
    • sexual dysfunction
  7. What is the diagnostic criteria for MS
    • imaging revels @ least 2 separate lesions in CNS
    • attacks lasts longer than 24 hours
    • attacks @ least one month apart
    • All other diagnosis must be ruled out
  8. What other disorders must be ruled out
    • Optic Neuritis
    • Myasthenia Gravis
    • drug toxicity
    • Conversion Disorder
    • Clinically Isolated Syndrome
  9. What is the prognosis of MS
    • unpredictable
    • very individualized
    • no change in life span
    • many pts able to live independently
  10. What is Benign Course or Clinically Isolated Syndrome
    Similar S/S to MS, but pt does not meet criteria for DX
  11. What are the 4 main types of MS
    • Relapsing Remitting
    • Secondary Progressive
    • Primary Progressive
    • Progressive Relapsing
  12. What is relapsing remitting
    • Exacerbations followed by periods of partial or total remission
    • most common form
  13. what is secondary progressive
    • Begins as relapsing remitting
    • transitions into progressive form
    • has carryover of symptoms during remission
    • slow and steady decline in function
  14. What is primary progressive
    • consistent steady decline in function
    • NO periods of remission
    • more rapid decline
  15. what is progressive relapsing
    • faster progression then primary progressive
    • clear attacks with residual effects
    • rare
  16. What is Benign MS
    • complete recovery of symptoms
    • no return of symptoms
    • mild symptoms: usually sensory and visual
    • Pt does not meet diagnostic criteria
  17. How do you treat MS
    • EDUCATION (very imp with this population)
    • PT, OT, SLP
    • Medications
  18. What is the medical management of MS
    • Drugs for spasticity, pain and depression
    • Interferon injection:decrease attacks: Disease modifying meds
    • Copaxone
    • Novantrone
    • Corticosteriods used to decrease inflammation
  19. What is PT treatment for MS
    • Observe oculomotor function
    • gait analysis
    • balance
    • aquatics
    • stretching
    • assistive device training
  20. What should be included in education
    • Journal S/S to track progression
    • exercise is important and good
    • heat intolerance
    • energy conservation
    • family
  21. What are good outcome measures for MS
    • 6MWT, 10 meter (endurance)
    • Ashworth (muscle tone)
    • Berg (balance)0
    • Tinetti
    • MSQOL
    • Fatigue scales
  22. What are possible complications for MS pts
    • osteoporosis
    • contractures
    • skin breakdown
    • aspiration
    • pneumonia
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Quiz #1 MS