Human Physiology Cell Receptors

  1. What do phosphodiesterases do?
    Metabolize cyclic nucleotides.

    (i.e. - the breakdown cAMP as an example of negative feedback)
  2. What are some examples of methylxanthines?
    Caffeine, theophylline, and theobromide found in tea, coffee, and cocoa.
  3. What do methylxanthines do?
    Methylxanthines inhibit phosphodiesterases from metabolizing cAMP
  4. List the 5 types of receptors
    • 1) single transmembrane protein
    • 2) enzyme-linked receptor
    • 3) GABA receptor
    • 4) G-protein coupled receptor
    • 5) steroid receptor
  5. What is a LIGAND?
    It is a signal triggering molecule, binding to a site on a target protein.

    (hormone neurotransmitter)
  6. Does the receptor or the ligand determine cellular response?
    The receptor
  7. What is cAMP?
    cyclic adenosine mono phosphate is a cyclic molecule made by adenylate cyclase
  8. What does PKA do?
    protein kinase A phosphorylates CREB when activated by cAMP
  9. What does CREB do?
    it binds to a specific DNA sequence call CRE when phosphorylated by PKA
  10. _______=binds to=>receptor
    hormone=binds to=>receptor

    (*receptor is usually integral protein within cell membrane)
  11. hormone=(_______)=>receptor
    hormone=binds to=>receptor

    (*receptor is usually integral protein within cell membrane)
  12. hormone=binds to=>_____
    hormone=binds to=>receptor

    (*receptor is usually integral protein within cell membrane)
  13. _______=activates=>G-protein
  14. receptor=(_______)=>G-protein
  15. receptor=activates=>_______
  16. ________=releases=>alpha subunit
    G-protein=releases=>alpha subunit
  17. G-protein=(_______)=>alpha subunit
    G-protein=releases=>alpha subunit
  18. G-protein=releases=>____________
    G-protein=releases=>alpha subunit
  19. ___________=binds to=>effector
    alpha subunit=binds to=>effector
  20. alpha subunit=(_______)=>effector
    alpha subunit=binds to=>effector
  21. alpha subunit=binds to=>______
    alpha subunit=binds to=>effector
  22. ______=interacts with=>molecules
    effector=interacts with=>molecules

    (*effectors cause various cellular processes that depend on the effector*)

    (examples of effectors - adenylate cyclase or phospholipase C)
  23. effector=(______)=>molecules
    effector=interacts with=>molecules

    (*effectors cause various cellular processes that depend on the effector*)

    (examples of effectors - adenylate cyclase or phospholipase C)
  24. G-protein alpha subunits convert GTP to GDP (which inactivates it) when it binds to__________
    the receptor protein/hormone complex
  25. _____________=metabolizes=>cAMP
  26. phosphodiesterase=(_______)=>cAMP
  27. phosphodiesterase=metabolizes=>_____
  28. __________=inhibits=>phosphodiesterase
  29. methylxanthine=(____)=>phosphodiesterase
  30. methylxanthine=inhibits=>_________
Card Set
Human Physiology Cell Receptors
Human Phys flashcards for exam 1