B248, urinary elimination, alterations in elimination

  1. Urinary elimination alters the ability to store and to fully empty the bladder. These systems result from ____?
    • 1. impaired bladder function,
    • 2. obstruction to urine outflow
    • 3. inability to voluntarily control micturation
  2. An accumulation of urine resulting from the inability to empty the bladder completely is _______________?
    urinary retention
  3. What feelings accompany the inability to empty the bladder?
    • pressure,
    • discomfort,
    • tenderness over the symphysis pubis,
    • restlessness and
    • diaphoresis
  4. Describe retention overflow?

    What, as nurses, do we need to be aware of?
    As the inability to reflease urine accumulated in the bladder results in retention overflow.

    Pressure in the bladder accumulates to the point where urine overcomes the external eurethral sphincter and allows a small amount of urine out 2 - 3 times per hour and offers no relief to discomfort.

    Nurses need to be aware of the volume and frequency of voiding and accessing the abdomen for evidence of bladder distention and tenderness.
  5. How can urinary retention occur?
    • 1. obstruction
    • 2. sensory deprivation in the bladder
    • 3. trauma from surgery or childbirth
    • 4. medication side effects
    • 5. anxiety
  6. What are the most common health-care associated infections in the US?
    UTI or urinary tract infections
  7. What is the most common bacteria that causes UTI's?
  8. What is bacteriuria?
    Bacteria in the urine
  9. What is bacteremia or urosepsis?
    bacteria in the bloodstream
  10. Any condition that results in urinary retention increases the risk of __________?
    bladder infection
  11. What is dysuria?
    pain during urination resulting as urine flows over inflammed tissues
  12. An irritated bladder is called? What occurs when a bladder is irritated?

    Irritation to the bladder and the urethral mucosa results in blood tinged urine called?

    A urgency and frequency to void

  13. If the infection spreads to the upper urinatary tract, what is this called?
  14. The continued episodes of incontinence, puts clients at risk for?
    Skin breakdown. When this occurs in an immobilized client, it can lead to pressure ulcers.
Card Set
B248, urinary elimination, alterations in elimination
B248, alterations in elimination, urinary elimination