Crisis Intervention

  1. Steps to enhance communication skills
    • Speak with Precision
    • Attack the issues, not people
  2. Conflict resolution skills
    • Withdrawal (negative)
    • Surrender (negative)
    • Hostile aggression (negative)
    • Persuasion (Positive)
    • Open Dialogue (positive)
  3. Physical Relaxation Techniques
    • Breathing
    • PMR (progressive muscular relaxation)
    • Excercise and nutrition
    • Autogenic training
  4. Mental Relaxation
    • Meditation
    • - exclusive
    • - inclusive
    • Mental imagery
  5. Breathing Phases
    • In through the nose or mouth
    • pause
    • exhale through same passage
    • pause
  6. Suggested ways to lessen stress (pg 79-80)
    • Respond rather than react
    • refine your expectations
    • give yourself positive feedback
    • exercise regularly
    • Incorporate humor
    • - avoid sarcasm
    • nuture connectiveness
    • diversify interests
    • recognize and become comfortable with your emotions
    • exercise your creativity
    • learn to resolve issues and concerns with others
    • take short breaks
    • take personal time for yourself
  7. Types of stress
    • Eustress
    • Distress
  8. Four fears
    • Unknown
    • death
    • rejection
    • failure
  9. CISD
    • Critical
    • Incident
    • Stress
    • Debriefing
  10. PTSD
    • Post
    • Traumatic
    • Stress
    • Disorder
  11. 5 stages of grief
    • denial
    • anger
    • bargaining
    • depression
    • acceptance
  12. Mismanaged Anger Styles
    • Somatizer
    • Self-Punisher
    • Exploder
    • Underhander
  13. Components of self esteem
    • Connectedness
    • Uniqueness
    • Empowerment
    • Models
  14. What percent of health related problems are related to stress
  15. Coping stategies
    • Increased awareness of the problem
    • Information processing
    • Changing behaviors
    • Peaceful resolution
  16. Gallows Humor
    Black Humor
  17. Steps to initiate creative problem solving
    • Describe the problem
    • Generate ideas
    • Select and refine your goals
    • Implement the idea
    • Evaluate and analyze the action
  18. Listening and responding skills
    • Assume the role of the listener
    • Maintain eye contact
    • Avoid word prejudice
    • Use minimal encouragers
    • Paraphrase the content
    • Ask questions to clarify the statements
    • Use empathy
    • Provide personal feedback
    • Summarize the content
Card Set
Crisis Intervention
Mid Term