FI Parent Information session

  1. Prayer of Learners
    • Father of Light and Wisdom
    • Thank you for giving me
    • A mind that can know
    • A heart that can love
    • Help me to keep learning everday of my life
    • No matter what the lesson might be
    • Let me be convinced that all knowledge leads to you
    • And let me know how to find you and to love you
    • In all the things that you have made
    • Amen
  2. National Hisotry of French Immersion
    • Started in the 1960s in Montreal
    • FI enrollments highest in Ontario at 50% of all Canadian enrollment
    • Enrollmnet maintained over the last several years
  3. Background
    • 3 types of FSL programs
    • Core French is mandated GR 4 - 8
    • High school credit is mandatory
    • EF and FI are optional
  4. Types of FSL Programs
    • See chart
    • 600 hours
    • 1560 hours
    • 3800 hours
  5. Total hours for FSL Programs
    See bar graph
  6. Rationale for French Immersion Programs
    • One of 2 official languages
    • L2 skills strengthen L1 skills
    • Reasoning, problem-solving, creative thinking
    • In science and geography, higher reasoning, analytical skills
    • Career advantageous
  7. Aims of French Immersion Programs
    • Strong listening,s peaking , reading and writing skills
    • Functionally bilingual
    • Cultural awareness
  8. Aims of French Immersion Programs
    • Conversation
    • Understand media
    • Cultural awareness
    • Function well in a French-speaking community
  9. French Immersion in DP
    • Implemented at St Margaret and St Joachim in 2008
    • The program has expanded to St Pio, St Peter and St Elizabeth Seton for a total of 9 FI centers
    • Open to all students eligibile to attend Grade One in Dufferin-Peel schools
  10. Transportation
    • No transportation
    • Parents are responsible
    • Reviewed annually
  11. Program delivery
    • GR1 90% instruction provided in French/ Religion Family Life
    • GR2 & 3 70% with English introduced as a subject
    • GR4 - 8 50%
  12. Curriculum for Subjects taught in French
    • No dedicated curriculum
    • Same as those of the English language subject currciculum documents
    • Curriculum expectations
Card Set
FI Parent Information session
Cue cards to accompany FI presentation Power Point