Music Literature Chapter 24

  1. When did Beethoven live?
    He lived from 1770-1827
  2. What was Beethoven's "first period"?
    This period was his youth in Bonn and his first decade in Vienna.
  3. Beethoven's first style was during what dates?
    This Beethoven style was until 1802
  4. Who was Beethoven's first trainer?
    His first trainer was his father and other local musicians.
  5. Who else was Beethoven's teacher?
    Haydn was also his teacher
  6. Who was Beethoven's patron?
    Prince Lichnowsky was his patron
  7. What do Beethoven's Symphonies 1 & 2 sound like?
    These Symphonies sound like Haydn's work
  8. What did Beethoven write?
    He wrote concertos, sonatas, and quartets
  9. What is Beethoven's Sonata in C Minor, Op. 13's (Pathetique) Movement 1's form?
    This Beethoven Sonata Movement is in Sonata form
  10. What is the Form outline for Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 13, (Pathetique) Movement 1?
    • This movement's outline is
    • Intro
    • Exposition
    • Intro
    • Development
    • Recapitulation
    • Intro
    • Coda
  11. What does Pathetique mean?
    It means Sonata with Pathos or Impassioned - high emotion
  12. What are the characteristics of the Pathetique slow intro?
    • The characteristics of this part are
    • Thick chords
    • Dynamic contras
    • Treble and bass in contrary motion
    • Rests
  13. What are the characteristics of the Pathetique exposition?
    • The characteristics of this part are
    • A theme - C minor
    • Bridge
    • B theme - Eb major
    • Close
    • Intro- (What's this doing here?)
  14. What are the characteristics of the Pathetique recapitulation?
    • The characteristics of this part are
    • A theme- C minor
    • Bridge
    • B theme- C minor
    • Close
    • Intro- (Again?!)
  15. What is the Form of Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 13, (Pathetique) Movement 2?
    The form of this movement is Rondo ABACA
  16. What is the Form of Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 13, (Pathetique) Movement 3?
    The form of this movement is in Sonata Ronda form: ABACABA Coda
  17. What was some of Beethoven's early chamber music?
    He had string quartets
  18. What was Beethoven's String Quartet Op, 18 influenced by?
    This quartet was influenced by Haydn
  19. What were some of Beethoven's early Symphonies?
    Some of his early symphonies were Symphony No 1 (1800) and Symphony No 4 (1802)
  20. Beethoven's second style was during what dates?
    This Beethoven style was 1802-1815
  21. What was his second style called?
    This Beethoven style was called Heroic
  22. What happened during Beethoven's second style?
    During this style, Beethoven started going deaf
  23. What was Beethoven's Symphony No 3 called?
    • This Symphony was called "Bonaparte"
    • Eroica
  24. What symphonies did Beethoven write during his second style?
    Beethoven wrote Symphonies 3-8 during this style
  25. What was Beethoven's only Opera?
    Fidelio was his only opera
  26. What was Beethoven's Symphony #3 called and why?
    This Symphony was called Eroica because it celebrates a hero
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Music Literature Chapter 24
Music Literature Chapter 24 Beethoven