El Patio Wk 3

  1. bar ( m )
    the bar
  2. oficina (f)
    the office
  3. emisora de radio (f)
    the radio station
  4. empleado ( m/f )
    the employee
  5. escuela (f)
    the school
  6. hospital (m)
    the hospital
  7. nacionalidad
    the nationality
  8. pais ( m )
    the country
  9. periodico (m)
    the newspaper
  10. restaurante
    the restaurant
  11. artista
  12. cajera
    teller (f)
  13. cajero
    teller (m)
  14. camarera
  15. camarero
  16. cocinera
    cook (f)
  17. cocinero
    cook (m)
  18. dentista
    dentist (f/m)
  19. guia
    guide (f/m)
  20. locutora
    tv/radio presenter (f)
  21. locutor
    TV/radio presenter (m)
  22. periodista
    journalist (f/m)
  23. pintora
    painter (f)
  24. pintor
    painter (m)
  25. Como se escribe tu nombra/apellido?
    How do you spell your name/surname
  26. Es asi
    Is it like that?
  27. Esta bien asi
    Is it ok like that?
  28. trabajar
    to work ( root )
  29. trabajo
    I work
  30. trabajas
    you work
  31. trabaja
    she/he works, you work
  32. trabajamos
    we work
  33. trabajais
    you (pl) work
  34. trabajan
    they work, you (pl) work
  35. vivir
    to live ( root )
  36. vivo
    I live
  37. vives
    you live
  38. vive
    she/he lives you live
  39. vivimos
    we live
  40. vivis
    you (pl) live
  41. viven
    they live, you (pl) live
  42. ser
    to be ( root )
  43. soy
    I am
  44. eres
    you are
  45. es
    she/he is, you are
  46. somos
    we are
  47. sois
    you are (pl)
  48. son
    they are, you are (pl)
  49. llamarse
    to be called ( root )
  50. me llamo
    my name is
  51. te llamas
    your name is
  52. se llama
    her/his your name is
  53. nos llamamos
    our names are
  54. os llamais
    your names are
  55. se llaman
    their/your names are
  56. yo
  57. tu
    you ( informal, sing )
  58. el
  59. ella
  60. usted
    you ( sp: formal, sing ) ( LA: inf/formal / sing )
  61. nostros
    we ( m, mixed )
  62. nosotras
    we (f)
  63. vosotros
    you ( m, mixed )
  64. ellos
    they ( m, mixed )
  65. ellas they (f)
  66. ustedes
    you ( Sp: formal, pl ) ( LA: inf/formal/pl )
Card Set
El Patio Wk 3
Elementary 1