Conversion Factors

  1. What is a conversion factor?
    • obtained from an equality (ex. 1 in. = 2.54 cm)
    • written as a fraction (ratio with a numerator and denominator & inverted to give two conversion factors for every equality.
    • 1 in and 2.54 cm
    • ---- --------
    • 2.54 cm 1 in
  2. Write conversion factors from the equality for litters and mL
    • 1 L and 1000 mL
    • -----------------
    • 1000ml and 1 L
  3. Write conversion factors from the equality for hours and minutes
    • 1 h and 60 m
    • --------------
    • 60 m and 1 h
  4. Write conversion factors from the equality for meters and kilometers
    • 1 km and 1000 m
    • ------------------
    • 1000 m and 1 km
  5. How do you solve a problem?
    identify the given unit and the needed unit.
  6. What is the given and needed unit for a person that has a height of 2.0 meters?
    • given: meters
    • needed: inches
  7. An injured person loses 0.30 pints of blood. How many milliliters of blood would that be? Identify the given and needed units given in this problem.
    • Given: pints
    • Needed: milliliters
  8. How do you do a problem set up for conversion factors?
    • Unit 1 ......x unit 2 =................... unit 2
    • .................-------
    • ...................unit 1
    • given unit ...conversion factor ......needed unit
  9. How many minutes are in 2.5 hours?
    Given unit:
    Needed unit:
    Set Up Ptoblem:
    • Given unit: hours
    • Needed unit: minutes
    • Plan: hours -----> minutes
    • Set Up Ptoblem:
    • 2.5h x 60 m
    • ..........-------
    • .......... 1 h

    answer: 150min (2 SF..significant factors)
Card Set
Conversion Factors
chemistry, conversion factors