Unit 4 Reflexes

  1. Palmer Grasp Reflex
    • Integration 3 months
    • elicited when pressure is placed in the ulnar side of the palm of an infant's hand.
  2. Plantar Grasp Reflex
    • Integration 12 months
    • elicited when pressure stimulus is placed at the base of the toes & response is curling toes.
    • helps infant hang onto floor in standing
  3. Extensor Thrust (Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex)
    • Integration 3 months
    • stimulus for reflex is position of infant's head, or the labryrinths inside the infant's ears, which informs the infant of position in space
  4. Moro Reflex
    • Integration 6 months
    • When infant's head drops back abruptly, the arms will abduct and legs fingers splay
    • useful for alerting a parent of distress or the danger of falling
    • precursor to the startle reflex
  5. Galant Reflex
    • Integration 3 months
    • Solid object drawn down side of infant's spine from the shoulder to hip, lat. flex. of trunk will occur w/ concavity toward the side of stimulus
    • Easily elicited when child held in prone
    • Sometimes called trunk incurvation reflex
  6. Rooting
    • Integration 3 months
    • When infant's cheek touched will turn head to that side and open/puse the lips
    • Essential for survival
  7. Sucking
    • Integration 5 months
    • When nipple, fist, or other object is encountered, the infant will latch on and suck
    • Essential for survival
  8. Gag Reflex
    • Persists
    • Stimulated by touching the post half of the tongue or hard palate
    • Protective reflex that prevents chocking
  9. Bite Reflex
    • Integration 5 months
    • Elicited by placing finger between infant's lips and gums
  10. Babinski Reflex
    • Integration 3 months
    • When lat. sole of infant's foot is stroked from the heel to the little toe big toe will ext. and lat. four toes will spread out
  11. Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)
    • Integration 6 months
    • Infant is younger than 6 mos old turns the head to the side, the arm and the leg on the scalp side tend to move into flexion, and the arm and the leg on the face side tend to move into ext.
    • Trunk may also curve w/ the concave side toward the flexed extremities.
  12. Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
    • Integration 12 months
    • When head is flexed, the UE's will flex and the LE's will extend
    • Helps prepare for quadruped position
  13. Positive Support Reflex
    • Integration 6 months
    • Weight placed on the balls of the feet in an upright pos.
    • Newborn will stiffen legs into ext.
  14. Neck Righting
    • Integration 6 months
    • replaces (ATNR)
    • Passive or active rot. of head to one side is followed by rot. of the shoulders, trunk, and pelvis in the same direction
  15. Body Righting
    • Integration 18-24 months
    • Passively rot. upper or lower trunk & body segment not rotated will follow to realign segment
  16. Labyrinthine Righting
    • Persists
    • Earliest equilibrium responses
    • Infant tries to keep head in vert. pos to gravity
    • Two mechanisms working to help:
    • 1)optical head righting visually
    • 2)inner ear balance
  17. Protective Responses
    • Persists
    • Downward & forward 1st to develop
    • Next, child learns to protect from sideways displacement of balance
  18. Parachute Responses
    • Persists
    • Elicited when infant is tipped upside down & the head is pushed toward the ground
    • Infant will reach for ground to protect head
  19. Landau Response
    • Persists
    • Head & lower extremities are exteneded in line w/ or above the plance of the body when a childe is held in a prone suspension, demonstrates many of righting and equilbrium responses
  20. Prone & Supine Equilibrium Responses
    • Persists
    • When an infant is placed on a firm surface in the prone position, and surface is tilted infant will adjust to the tilt by raising the arm and leg on higher side for balance
  21. Sitting & Quadruped Equilibrium Response
    • Persists
    • Older infant develops accomodations to equilibrium shifts in sitting and in quadruped, where the trunk and extremities move to accomodate the change in position.
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Unit 4 Reflexes