acom 100

  1. what does com do?
    creates relationships, causes atmosphere, manages identitiy.
  2. communication as a ction
    is when someone leaves a message for you
  3. communication as a interation
    sending and reply of a message
  4. communication as a transaction
    • if the message leads to more than the recieveing of aliteral message
    • for examplle- if the message makes you fall in love or hate someone.
  5. symbol
    a object or idea whos meaning is more comlicated than it looks
  6. menaings
    permit a communicator to go beyond one item to another

    can differ based on situation
  7. representation
    the facts conveyed when communicating
  8. presentation
    your take on the facts
  9. framw
    the definition of scenario based on a agreement or social normor previous conversation

    • for example---when a profesor speaks to a student
    • look at in book
  10. what a person says can have more meanings than what is literally said
    for example this will be on the test= take especilally good notes so that you can study this and do wel on this exam
  11. what are the four types of communication
    • succesful communication
    • mis communication
    • accidental communication
    • attempted communication
  12. shared assumption
    people communication involves sharing viewpoint vocab and meaning or it would not be possible for people to communicate as interacts or transaction
  13. language
    formal gramatical structure of language
  14. parde
    is how peope actuallt use language
  15. polysemy
    words gestures symbols, and whether the conversation is formal or imformal have their meanig alteres based on occasion or circumstance.

    cues such as"lets not be so formal " control this
  16. sapir/whorf hypothesis-
    verbal distinctions also make visual distinctions.

    the words make the world

    for example eskimos have several different discriptions of snow that indicate the visualization of many different types of snow.
  17. Denotative meaning
    • the identification of something by pointing it out
    • for example if you say cat a perosn thinks of fluffy four legged creature.
  18. conotative meaning
    • refers to the overtone, implications or additional meaning associated with a word or object.
    • for example cats are known to be lucky and have 9 lives
    • although the issue arrises with inside jokes
  19. intentionality
    a persons intentions when communicating
  20. god terms
    • powerful positive terms
    • like liberty
  21. devil terms
    • powerful negative terms
    • for example osama bin ladin
  22. instrumental function of talk
    • reveals a specific goal that you have in mind for a relationship. only done by talking
    • for example - be my valentine or go on a date with me
  23. index function of talk
    • demonstrates or indicates the nature of the relationship between speakers
    • for example - "come into my office i need to speak to you" indicates that a person has authority over you
  24. conversational hypertext
  25. essential function of talking -
    to make relationship real by using phraases like see you later to say that the relationship will last longer than that
  26. immediacy
    using names like honey or pal to refer to someon established relationship.
  27. positive face
    the need to be seen and acceptes as a worthwild person
  28. negative face
    desire not to be treated inferior
  29. lowcode
    informal way of speaking
  30. high speak
    formal way of speakingq
  31. accomadation:
    changing the way you speak to make a relational connetion
  32. convergence -
    when you try to speak like the reciver in order to build a relationship
  33. divergence
    one speaks unlike the reciever to make a point
  34. burkes pentad
  35. accounts
    forms of communicatin that gives justification
  36. decoding
    reading other people body communication
  37. encoding
    when people read your body mottion
  38. static
    • nvvc that can not be changed
    • for example eye color
  39. dynamic
    nvc that can be controled
  40. nvc: culture
    eye contact is cool in america not anywhere else if the person is in a nother place eye contact is seen as a sign or superiority or disrespect
  41. nvc:personal
    hugginh is prefered by some and not by others
  42. nvc: ambiguity
    nerver completely sure what a persons nvc is unless its in context
  43. nvc: leakage:
    when your nvc shows how you truly feel without you doing it on purpose.
  44. interconventions with verbal communication
    • how verbal and nvc work to gether:
    • ex wave and say hello
    • although is misconstrude when being sarcastic
  45. regulators
    • non verbal actions that indicate to others how you want them to act
    • Ex. students closing their books a t the end of class is to indicate to the profesor to shut the fuck up and release class
  46. kendon and ferbers five basic stages of greeting ritual
    • sighting recognition
    • distant salutation
    • lower you head and avert your gaze to prevent staring
    • close salutation
    • backing off
  47. nvc transmits emotional info lik
    • attitude towards someone
    • atitude towards the situation
    • ottitude about onesself
  48. proxemics
    the study of space and distance in communication between reciever and sender
  49. secondary territory
    establishing space thats central to your life that is not your own
  50. public territory
    • space open to everyone but you available for your accupance
    • likea park bench
  51. body buffer zone
    imaginary aura around a person that is considered to close to them
  52. kinesics movement
    movement that takes placce durring a interaction
  53. gestures
    • signals something that you would saay in words
    • like the gesture to drink up
  54. posture
    position of body durring a convo
  55. eye contact is sign of a trust worth person
  56. VOCALIcs
    voice tone are sound how something is said
  57. turn taking
    • indications to take turn speaking
    • ex. roger that
  58. chronemic
    • time location of interaction
    • includes the amount of time in betweeen truns
  59. haptics -
    study of touch in non verbal communication
  60. encoder consist of
    • afirming
    • blending consitency
    • diretoy
    • emotional clearity
  61. decoder skills consist of
    • attending
    • bonding
    • coordinating
    • encouragin
  62. denotation
    • a primary association that a ward has for a given linguistic ammunity
    • basically the meaning of the word that is widley excepted by all.
  63. conotation
    • a secondary association that a word has for subsets for a given community
    • differ with diferent grouops
    • there is more debate on the interpitation
  64. the ritual model of cimmunication givees alot of pewer to the sender, which is a mojor critism.
    by greetin someone you establish therer social identity
    communicating establishes a person social identity
  65. avoidance ritual
    • to do/not do things that can threaten someone eles face
    • ex. you wouldnt make fun of a handicap person
  66. presentation ritual
    • something you do to eknowledge and support someones face
    • ex. say hello
  67. nenegative face
    the desire with in us for outonomy and independence--- to do what we want
  68. positive face
    the desire to connect with others
  69. the narrative self
    we establish who we are to ourselves through
  70. epistomology
    relates to how you think about things how you think about the world
  71. outology
  72. self disclosure
    • revelation of private or personal info that other people wouldnt know unless you told them
    • has something to do with your relationship with that person
  73. relational dialect
    conflict that a couple has to manage over how to resolve aspets of their relationship that are pulling them into two different directionsds

    see internal and external dialect
  74. internal dialect
    • connectedness v.s seperatedness
    • certanty v.s uncertanty
    • openess v.s closedness
  75. external ldialect
    • inclusion v.s seclusion
    • conventional vs uniqeness
    • revelation vs concealment
  76. barnets pieres inovation by presentation ofself
    • we present ourselves in a specific way
    • ex. you walk in a nd present yourself as tired
  77. autocasting
    clearly categorizing yourself as a certain person
  78. invocation by alter casting
    asigning a individual to a category
  79. confirmation
    confirmation to the categoery you have been asigned to
  80. rejection
    your not prepared to interact with the person on the level they want to interact with you
  81. discomfirmation
    • it produces a response that refue the thought of interaction. a refusal to aknowledge whats being said
    • ex. did you see the game....i like turtles
  82. one up communication
    movement to gain control of a communication exchange
  83. one down communication
    • yielding control of a conversation
    • ex. you speak
  84. one across
    the back and forward of control of a conversation
  85. ekman principle of six emotions non verbal expression
    • fear
    • sadness
    • suprised
    • disgusted
    • anger
    • happiness
  86. gender adversment
    • body behavior based on gender
    • ex. magazine and women
  87. canting posture
    • teisted up posture that is not ideal for protecting ones self
    • used by women because they are protrayed as week
  88. speech act theory - people perform actions by speaking that fit in to theese 1 of these 5 categoreies
    • directive - an attempt to get the spaker to perform some action
    • assertion- an attempt represent some state of afairs (predicting/informing)
    • commisive- an attempt to commit the speaker to some future course of action (promising)
    • expressive - the speaker is expresssing somesort os psychological state(apoligizing)
    • declarative- an attempt to bring about a change in some institutional state of affairs; create one that did not previously exist. ex. finalizing mariage vows.
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acom 100
acom 100 ualbany test 1