exss 122 test 1

  1. goals of healthy people 2010
    • increase the span of "healthy" life
    • eliminate health disparities
    • increase access to information and services for all people
  2. components of wellness
    • physical
    • emotional (mental)
    • intellectual
    • social
    • spiritual
  3. priority area's of good health
    • physical activity
    • nutrition
    • stress management
  4. why physical activity, nutrition, and stress management are priority area's...
    • they effect the lives of all people
    • many can make improvements
    • small changes can have major impact on individual and public health
  5. need for fitness/value
    • need: effective work, good health, face emergencies, enjoyable leisure
    • value: look good, feel good, enjoy life, be healthy
  6. health related components of fitness
    • cardiovascular endurance
    • muscular endurance
    • muscular strength
    • flexibility
    • body composition
  7. skills related components of fitness
    • agility
    • balance
    • coordination
    • speed
    • power
    • reaction time
  8. value of fitness assessments
    • indicate areas needed for improvement in health or performance
    • provide baseline marker to track progress in exercise programs
    • promote person knowledge about skills and abilities
  9. stairway to lifetime fitness
    • regular fitness
    • achieving fitness
    • personal exercise pattern
    • fitness evaluation
    • problem solver
  10. PAR-Q
    • Physical
    • Activity
    • Readiness
    • Questionaire
  11. cleared for moderate to vigorous exercise, includes individuals who have no symptoms, and no more than one risk factor
    low risk
  12. two or more risk factors, medical clearance suggested for vigorous exercise, cleared for moderate exercising without exercise testing
    moderate risk
  13. must have medical clearance before moderate/vigorous exercise
    high risk
  14. positive risk factors (bad)
    • age (men 45+, women 55+)
    • family history, heart disease (before 55 years in dad/brother or before 65 years in mom/sister)
    • cigarette smoking (or quit within the past 6 months)
    • hypertension, high BP
    • dyslipidemia, cholesterol
    • pre-diabetes
    • obesity (BMI over 30 or waist over 40 inches for men, 35 inches for women)
    • sedentary lifestyle
  15. negative risk factors (good)
    high HDL cholesterol
  16. benefits of warm-up
    prepares cardiovascular system, metabolic system, and musculoskeletal system
  17. benefits of cool-down
    • reduces blood pooling
    • promotes recovery
    • minimizes muscle soreness
  18. exercising in heat
    • avoid high heat/humidity
    • replace fluids
    • gradual exposure (acclimatization)
    • dress properly
    • rest frequently
    • watch for signs
  19. exercising in cold
    • wind-chill factor (combines temp. and wind)
    • frostbite
    • hypothermia
    • -try to avoid getting wet, dress in layers, keep hands/feet/head warm, keep moving, do not overdress
  20. exercising in altitude
    • lower partial pressure of oxygen leads to shortness of breath
    • cold, dry air promotes dehydration
    • acute mountain sickness
  21. exercising with pollution
    • ozone
    • pollutants
    • allergies
  22. hypokinetic injuries
    (low/below normal movement)
    • cardiovascular disease
    • cancer
    • back problems
    • obesity > SeDS (sedentary death syndrome)
    • diabetes
    • osteoporosis
    • mental health
  23. acute injury
    injury can occur immediately
  24. chronic injury
    injury is gradual
  25. DOMS > Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
    -not caused by lactic acid
    caused by microscopic muscle fiber tears resulting from excessive loads on muscles, most often occurs when principle of progression is violated
  26. treatment of injuries (RICE)
    • rest
    • ice
    • compression
    • elevation
  27. four factors that promote lifestyle change and one example of each
    • reinforcing factors > success
    • enabling factors > goal setting
    • predisposing factors > self-confidence
    • personal factors > age
  28. stages of change
    • pre-contemplation
    • contemplation
    • preparation
    • action
    • maintenance
  29. -most basic principle
    -doing "more than normal" is necessary for benefits
    -muscle must work against a greater than normal load to get stronger
    -muscle must be stretched longer than normal to increase flexibility
    -less overload required for health benefits associated with metabolic fitness
    overload principle
  30. -overload should occur in a gradual progression rather than in major bursts
    -could result in excessive soreness or injury if you fail to adhere to this principle
    -most effective is when sessions become progressively more challenging
    principle of progression
  31. -must overload for specifically what you want to benefit
    -overload is specific to each body part
    principle of specificity
  32. -overload principle in reverse
    -if you don't use it, you'll lose it
    -some evidence exists that you can maintain health benefits with less physical activity than it took to achieve them
    principle of reversibility
  33. -the more physical activity you perform, the more you benefit
    -there are exceptions to this rule
    ex) more is good, but not always better
    dose-response relationship
  34. Image Upload 2
    principle of diminishing returns
  35. -benefits of physical activity vary for each person
    -individuals have unique characteristics > heredity, age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyles, current fitness/health status, other factors (food, sleep, alcohol, etc.)
    principle of individuality
  36. -rest is needed to allow the body to adapt to exercise
    -allow time for recuperation after overload
    -if no rest, could lead to overuse injuries, fatigue, and reduced performance
    ex) alternate hard/easy days, days off between bouts of exercise
    principle of rest and recovery
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exss 122 test 1
exss 122 test 1