Origin of the Earth

  1. The Earth formed from a cloud of _____ and _____, called _____.
    Dust, Gas, Nebula
  2. The age of the Earth is about _____ billion, or _____ million years.
    4.6, 4,600
  3. The planets in the Solar System formed during the _____ event due to Gravity.
  4. The matter that formed the Galaxies, Stars, and Plamets formed during an event called _____.
    The Big Bang
  5. During the Big Bang the matter formed from _____.
  6. Surface water on the Earth camr prmarily from _____ the Earth, during _____ event.
    Interior, Outgassing.
  7. The Earth separated into 3 layers _____, _____, and _____, during the _____ event.
    Core, Mantle, Crust, Differentiation.
  8. Life on Earth appeared due to a series of _____ chemical reactions in the _____.
    Random, Ocean
  9. The gas that did not come out during Outgassing was _____, but it later appeared on the Earth due to a process called _____ done by Cyanobacteria.
    Oxygen, Photosynthesis.
  10. The equation for Photosynthesis _____ + _____ + _____ = _____ + _____
    CO2, H20, Sunlight, "Food," Oxygen
  11. During what event did the Oceans form on the Earth?
  12. The core of the Earth formed due to the sinking of all the _____ material to the center of the earth.
  13. Continents are madfe of the _____ material that rose to the surface during _____.
    Less Dense, Differentiation
  14. Who was on the Earth first, Plant-Like Bacteria (PB) or Animal-Like Bacteria (AB)? The reason for this is _____ hgad to be produced first by _____ for _____ to use.
    Plant-Like Bacteria. Oxygen, Plants, Animals.
  15. What is the name of the least dense layer of the Earth?
  16. The dust and the gasses in the Solar Nebula condensed due to _____.
  17. Most of the water that formed the oceans came from the _____ of the Earth, because water was a part of the _____.
    Interior, Nebula
  18. True or False

    Most of the water tghat formed about 4.6 by ago it looked like Earth today.
  19. Most of the material in the Solar Nebula went into forming the _____, only a small amnount went into forming the _____.
    Sun, Planets
  20. The Earth is still _____ as evidenced by _____.
    Cooling, Volcanoes
  21. Condensation of a Nebula refers to the collision of bodies due to _____, melting and becoming a _____ body.
    Gravity, Larger
  22. The most-dense region of the Earth is called the _____.
  23. Living things are _____ chemical structures that are capable of _____.
    Complex, reproduction.
  24. Continents are formed by rocks _____ dense than the rocks that form the ocean floor.
  25. The Moon formed by the condensation of _____ ejected during the collision of a _____ with the Earth.
    Dust, Planet.
  26. The _____ of the Earth's axis indicates that the Earth was hit by a large planet.
  27. The inclination of the Earth's axis is _____ degrees from the normal to the Earth's orbital plane.
    23 1/2
  28. During what even did the atmosphere form?
  29. The Earth began to cool due to the end of _____ and it is cooling by a process called.
    Condensation, Convection
  30. The Earth is a _____ revolving around a star that we call the _____.
    Planet, Sun.
Card Set
Origin of the Earth
Origin of the Earth