Biology 31.txt

  1. Hyphae
    Network of tiny filaments
  2. Chitin
    Strong but flexible nitrogen-containing polysaccharide that is also found in the external skeletons of insects and other arthropods
  3. Mycelium
    The fungal hyphae in an interwoven mass
  4. Septa
    Crosswalls of hyphae, separating the hyphae into separate cells
  5. Coenocytic fungi
    Continuous cytoplasmic mass containing hundreds of thousands of nuclei
  6. Exoenzymes
    The enzymes secreted into the environment to digest and decay the organic material, which is then absorbed.
  7. Mycorrhizae
    Mutually beneficial relationships between fungi with haustoria and plant roots
  8. Haustoria
    Specialized hyphae that enables the fungus to penetrate the tissue of their host
  9. Pheremones
    Sexual signaling molecules used by fungi
  10. Plasmogamy
    Cytoplasm of teo parent mycelia combine
  11. Karyogamy
    Haploid nuclei cibtributed by both parents fuse, producing diploid cells
  12. Mold
    Typically has a furry texture, and grows extremely quickly, and reproduces asexually
  13. Yeasts
    Asexual fungi that inhabit liquid or moise habitats. Including plant sap and animal tissues
  14. The life cycle of fungi (free question)
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Biology 31.txt
Biology chapter 31