CH.4 Latin America Geo Facts

  1. forced removal of Africans from their native area
    African Diasporsa
  2. This country began as a Spanish colony and gained its freedom in 1898...A certain someone came into power here in 1959
  3. This man in nationalized a certain country's economy and brought ties with the USSR and brought about Cuban missile crisis
    Fidel Castro
  4. When did Haiti gain independence and how?
    There was a slave revolt in 1804
  5. Are most Carribean countries independent today?
  6. What is money Leakage?
    This is when money flow outside of your boundaries
  7. Is Latin (South) America have the highest amount of city-dwellers in the developing world?..if so what percentage?
  8. What other ethnic presences live in Latin America besides Spanish?
    Indian and African
  9. When did Bolivia elect its first Amerindian president?
  10. What is the name of one important trade agreement in the Americas?
    Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
  11. Relatively large land area and low population density has minimized this in Latin America:
    Environmental Degradation
  12. Which two Latin American countries have conservation movements?
    Brazil and Costa Rica
  13. What are two major environmental problems in Latin America?
    Deforestation and loss of Biodiversity
  14. Though tropical rainforests are 6% of earth's land mass, how much of Earth's species does it hold?
  15. What are the 2 regions mainly affected by the destruction of tropical rainforests?
    Brazil's Atlantic coastal forests and pacific forests of South America
  16. What are the causes of tropical rainforest deforestation?
    • agriculture
    • settlement
    • ranching
  17. What is the term for the conversion of tropical rainforest to pasture?
  18. What are some environmental issues that plague the valley of New Mexico?
    • Air pollution, smog
    • Quantity and quality of water resources
    • Squatter Settlements
  19. State some facts about the Andes Mountain range
    • 5000 miles long
    • 30 peaks over 20K feet
    • Contains valuable metals and minerals
  20. What is the treelesss elevated plain in Peru and Bolivia called?
  21. State 2 facts about the uplands of Mexico and Central America
    • Most major cities and populations found there
    • Rich volcanic soils
  22. What is the name for the large upland plateaus of exposed crystalline rock?
    The Shields
  23. What is the name for the largest river system in the world by volume, 2nd by length, and draws from 9 countries?
    Amazon Basin
  24. What is the name for South America's 2nd largest river watershed that is economically productive.
    Plata Basin
  25. State 2 facts about the South American climate
    • Little variations in temperature
    • Large regional variations in precipitation
  26. What is the name for the Warm Pacific current that usually arrives alongcoastal Ecuador and Peruin December
    El Nino
  27. What does El Nino cause
    • Drought
    • torrential rain
    • flooding
  28. Where are the high and low populations in South America?
    • Low in the interior low lands
    • High in Central America and Mexico interior plateaus
  29. What percent of Latin America is urbanized today?
  30. What is it called when a country has a primate city 3 to 4 times larger than any other city in the country?
    Urban Primacy
  31. What is makeshift housing on land not legally owned or rented by urban migrants, usually in unoccupied spaces in or near a rapidly growing city, such as in Lima
    Squatter Settlements
  32. How many Latin Americans live in rural areas?
    130 million
  33. What is the term for Long-observed pattern of maintaining large estates?
  34. What is the term for the pattern associated with peasants farming small plots for their own subsistence?
  35. What is a name for a popular but controversial strategy to redistribute land to peasant farmers?
    Agrarian reform
  36. What has been declining since the 1980s in Latin America?
    Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
  37. Why was the European population encouraged to migrate into South America?
    To whiten the Mestizo (mixed breed) population.
  38. What caused most Latino migration?
    political turmoil and civil wars
  39. What caused the disappearance of the many complex civilizations of early Latin America?
    • disease
    • warfare
    • forced labor
    • collapse of food production system
  40. Where are the largest populations of Indians today for South America?
    • Mexico
    • Guatemala
    • Ecuador
    • Peru
    • Bolivia
  41. What is the name for loosely defined territory similar to a province or homeland, where Indians have political and resource control
  42. In the Spanish racially caste system, what are the names given for these groups of people?
    -Mixed Ancestry
    • Blanco
    • Mestizo
    • Indio
    • Negro
  43. How much of South America speaks Spanish and Portuguese?
    • 2/3 Spanish
    • 1/3 Portugese
  44. What is the name for religions that have blended beliefs?
    Syncretic Religions
  45. What is the name for the Southern cone Common Market?
  46. What treaty divided South America between Spain and Portugal in 1493?
    Treaty of Tordesillas
  47. Who started revolutions in the Americas to gain independence?
  48. As states gained independence, did border issues diminish?
    No they actually grew
  49. What is the name for the governing bodies that include several states?
    Supranatural Organizations
  50. What is the name for groups that represent areas of people within a state?
    Subnational Organizaitons
  51. What are the names of some South American trade blocks
    • LAFTA
    • NAFTA
    • CACM
    • Andean Group
  52. Which South American country has the highest murder rate in the world?
  53. What are the names of some inndependent armies in South America
    • FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia)
    • ELN (National Liberation Army)
  54. What is the name for policies that foster domestic industry by imposing inflated tariffs on all imported goods
    Import Substitution
  55. What is the name for planned industrial centers?
    Growth Poles
  56. What is the Spanish name for Mexican assembly plants that line the U.S. border?
  57. What is Latin America's primary export dependency?
    Commodities (coffee, cacao, rubber, etc.)
  58. This holds that expansion of European capitalism created Latin American condition of underdevelopment (core/periphery)
    Dependency Theory
  59. What Policies do Neoliberalism stress?
    • Privatization
    • Export Production
    • Few restrictions on imports
  60. What are some benefits of Neoliberlaism
    • Increased trade
    • More favorable terms of debt repayment
  61. What is the process called in which a country adopts (in whole or part) the U.S. dollar as its official currency?
  62. What does Dollarization tend to do?
    • Reduce inflation
    • reduce trade costs
    • eliminate fears of currency devaluation
  63. What improvements have many South American countries made in the past 30 years
    • increase in:
    • life expectancy
    • Child survival rate
    • Educational Attainment
  64. What percentage of women in South America work outside of the home?
  65. What equal rights do women have in South America
    • vote
    • own property
    • sign for loans
  66. Is Latin America the first region fully colonized by Europe?
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CH.4 Latin America Geo Facts
Random facts from GEO 1700 Module 2 Lectures for CH. 4 on Latin America