Ch 1 Clinical Anatomy

  1. What is Clinical Anatomy?
    includes patholigical anatomy (study of anatomical changes caused by disease) & radiographic anatomy (study of body structures by different forms of radation)
  2. What does Clinical Anatomy rely on?
    different imaging techniques used for diagnosis
  3. What are X Rays and what can happen when taking an X Ray?
    X Rays is the traditional method of diagnosis; however, X Rays that are directed to the body may penetrate and create a dark image if they pass through soft tissues, while those that are absorbed by dense tissues, such as bones, leave a white image.
  4. What is Cineradiography?
    a technique in which a fluoroscope (fluorescent screen) is used to view an X Ray image as organs are moving
  5. Advance X-Ray Techniques now incorporate the use of computers for processing the x-rays taken and adding color to the images. What are the 3 advance x ray techniques?
    • CT Scan (computed tomography)
    • DSR (dynamic spatial resolution)
    • Xenon CT (Xenon computed tomography
  6. What are the differences between the 3 advanced x-ray techniques?
    CT Scan - a rotating tube & recorder over around the person as X-rays are taken

    DSR - ultra fast CT scanner are used to assemble a series of CT pictures & create a 3D image, can also be used to view in detail an organ in motion

    Xenon CT - a CT taken in combination with inhaled Xenon (inert gas)
  7. What type of diagnosis is the CT Scan used for?
    revealing all organs at their best angles with almost no blocking structures
  8. What type of diagnosis is DSR used for?
    beating heart, blood flow
  9. What type of diagnosis is Xenon CT used for?
    indentifyling an area of a stroke (indicated area where blood flow is lacking)
  10. 1. What is DSA (digital subtraction angiography)?
    2. What kind of diagnosis is used with DSA?
    • 1. an image is taken before and after the patient is given a contrast medium
    • 2. used to see if there is a blockage
  11. 1. What is PET (positron emission tomography)?
    2. What kind of diagnosis is used with PET?
    • 1. where radioactive isotopes are dectected. As the isotope decays it emits a gamma ray that is decteded making greater concentration in areas that are more active or are receiving more blood.
    • 2. to follow the flow of blood to the brain and heart
  12. 1. What is a Sonography (ultra sound)?
    2. What kind of diagnosis is used with Sonography?
    3. What is ultrasound used to study?
    • 1. high frequency (ultrasonic) sound ways that are sent through the tissues & can reflect (echo) off the body. echo is processed by the computer to produce an image
    • 2. to detect developing fetuses
    • 3. soft tissue & contrasting mediums can also used to create better images
  13. What is an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)?
    MRI gives all the details and is the strongest out of all the types of techniques.
Card Set
Ch 1 Clinical Anatomy
clinical anatomy