
  1. 1. In post-Civil War America, Indians surrendered their lands only when they
    B) received solemn promises from the government that they would be left alone and provided with supplies on the remaining land.
  2. 2. In the warfare that raged between the Indians and the American military after the Civil War, the
    C) there was often great cruelty and massacres on both sides.
  3. 3. The Indians battled whites for all the following reasons except to
    A) rescue their families who had been exiled to Oklahoma.
  4. 4. Match each Indian chief below with his tribe.
    B) A-3, B-4, C-1
  5. 5. As a result of the complete defeat of Captain William Fetterman's command in 1866
    B) the government abandoned the Bozeman Trail and guaranteed the Sioux their lands.
  6. 6. The Plains Indians were finally forced to surrender
    E) by the coming of the railroads and the virtual extermination of the buffalo.
  7. 7. The Nez Perc� Indians of Idaho were goaded into war when
    B) gold was discovered on their reservation.
  8. 8. The buffalo were nearly exterminated
    E) through wholesale butchery by whites.
  9. 9. A Century of Dishonor (1881), which chronicled the dismal history of Indian-white relations, was authored by
    B) Helen Hunt Jackson.
  10. 10. The nineteenth century humanitarians who advocated �kind� treatment of the Indians
    A) had no more respect for traditional Indian culture than those who sought to exterminate them.
  11. 11. To assimilate Indians into American society, the Dawes Act did all of the following except
    E) outlaw the sacred Sun Dance.
  12. 12. The United States government's outlawing of the Indian Sun (Ghost) Dance in 1890 resulted in the
    A) Battle of Wounded Knee.
  13. 13. The Dawes Severalty Act was designed to promote Indian
    C) assimilation.
  14. 14. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Dawes Severalty Act is passed; (B) Oklahoma land rush takes place; (C) Indians are granted full citizenship; (D) Congress restores the tribal basis of Indian life.
    A) A, B, C, D
  15. 15. The enormous mineral wealth taken from the mining frontier of the West
    E) helped to finance the Civil War.
  16. 16. The mining frontier played a vital role in
    B) attracting the first substantial white population to the West.
  17. 17. The bitter conflict between whites and Indians intensified
    D) as the mining frontier expanded.
  18. 18. The wild frontier towns where the three major cattle trails from Texas ended were
    D) Abilene, Kansas; Ogalalla, Nebraska; and Cheyenne, Wyoming.
  19. 19. One problem with the Homestead Act was that
    B) 160 acres were inadequate for productive farming on the rain-scarce Great Plains.
  20. 20. The Homestead Act assumed that public land should be administered in such a way as to
    E) promote frontier settlement.
  21. 21. The Homestead Act
    B) was a drastic departure from previous government public land policy designed to raise revenue.
  22. 22. A major problem faced by settlers on the Great Plains in the 1870s was
    C) the scarcity of water.
  23. 23. In the long run, the group that probably did the most to shape the modern West was the
    E) hydraulic engineers.
  24. 24. �Sooners� were settlers who �jumped the gun� in order to
    C) claim land in Oklahoma.
  25. 25. Among the following, the least likely to migrate to the cattle and farming frontier were
    A) eastern city dwellers.
  26. 26. In 1890, when the superintendent of the census announced that a stable frontier line was no longer discernible,
    C) Americans were disturbed that the free land of the West was gone.
  27. 27. Which of the following provides the least valid support for the theory that the frontier served as a �safety valve� for American social discontent and economic conflict?
    D) Eastern city dwellers headed west to get free homesteads during depressions.
  28. 28. Cities like Denver and San Francisco did serve as a major �safety valve� by providing
    C) a home for failed farmers and busted miners.
  29. 29. The area of the country in which the federal government has done the most to aid economic and social development is
    A) the West.
  30. 30. The real �safety valve� in the late nineteenth century was
    A) the western cities.
  31. 31. In the decades after the Civil War, most American farmers
    E) grew a single cash crop.
  32. 32. The root cause of the American farmers' problem after 1880 was
    E) overproduction of agricultural goods.
  33. 33. In the last decades of the nineteenth century, the volume of agricultural goods __________, and the price received for these goods __________.
    A) increased; decreased
  34. 34. Late-nineteenth-century farmers believed that their difficulties stemmed primarily from
    C) a deflated currency.
  35. 35. With agricultural production rising dramatically in the post-Civil War years,
    B) tenant farming spread rapidly throughout the Midwest and South.
  36. 36. Farmers were slow to organize and promote their interest because they
    A) were not well educated.
  37. 37. The first major farmers' organization was the
    A) Patrons of Husbandry.
  38. 38. The original purpose of the Grange was to
    C) stimulate self-improvement through educational and social activities.
  39. 39. In several states, farmers helped to pass the �Granger Laws,� which
    E) regulated railroad rates.
  40. 40. The Farmers' Alliance was formed to
    E) take action to break the strangling grip of the railroads.
  41. 41. The Farmers' Alliance was especially weakened by
    B) the exclusion of black farmers.
  42. 42. The Populist Party arose as the direct successor to
    B) the Farmers' Alliance.
  43. 43. The Populist Party's presidential candidate in 1892 was
    A) James B. Weaver.
  44. 44. Which one of the following was not among influential Populist leaders?
    E) Eugene V. Debs
  45. 45. In a bid to win labor's support, the Populist Party
    C) opposed injunctions against labor strikes.
  46. 46. The Populists
    E) none of the above.
  47. 47. During the 1892 presidential election, large numbers of southern white farmers refused to desert the Democratic Party and support the Populist Party because
    C) the history of racial division in the region made it hard to cooperate with blacks.
  48. 48. Jacob Coxey and his �army� marched on Washington, D.C., to
    C) demand that the government relieve unemployment with a public works program.
  49. 49. Which one of the following was least sympathetic to workers and farmers hard-pressed by the Depression of 1893?
    B) Richard Olney
  50. 50. President Grover Cleveland justified federal intervention in the Pullman strike of 1894 on the grounds that
    E) the strike was preventing the transit of U.S. mail.
  51. 51. Matching
  52. 52. Labor unions, Populists, and debtors saw in the brutal Pullman episode
    A) proof of an alliance between big business, the federal government, and the courts against working people.
  53. 53. The Pullman strike created the first instance of
    E) government use of a federal court injunction to break a strike.
  54. 54. The Depression of the 1890s and episodes like the Pullman Strike made the election of 1896 shape up as
    A) a battle between down-and-out workers and farmers and establishment conservatives.
  55. 55. Which of the following was not among the qualifications that helped William McKinley earn the Republican presidential nomination in 1896?
    E) He was an energetic and charismatic campaigner.
  56. 56. Mark Hanna, the Ohio Republican president-maker, believed that the prime function of government was to
    E) aid business.
  57. 57. The Democratic party nominee for president in 1896 was __________; the Republicans nominated _______________; and the Populists endorsed _______________.
    C) William Jennings Bryan; William McKinley; William Jennings Bryan
  58. 58. All of the following characteristics describe William Jennings Bryan in 1896 except
    A) he had a brilliant mind.
  59. 59. William Jennings Bryan gained the presidential nomination of the Democratic party primarily because he
    D) eloquently supported the farmers' demand for the unlimited coinage of silver.
  60. 60. In the election of 1896, the major issue became
    E) free and unlimited coinage of silver.
  61. 61. One key to the Republican victory in the 1896 presidential election was the
    B) huge amount of money raised by Mark Hanna.
  62. 62. The strongest ally of Mark Hanna and the Republicans in the 1896 presidential election was
    C) fear of the alleged radicalism of William Jennings Bryan and his free silver cause.
  63. 63. The 1896 presidential election marked the last time that
    E) a serious effort to win the White House would be made with mostly agrarian votes.
  64. 64. The 1896 victory of William McKinley ushered in a long period of Republican dominance that was accompanied by
    A) diminishing voter participation in elections.
  65. 65. As president, William McKinley can best be described as
    A) cautious and conservative.
  66. 66.The monetary inflation needed to relieve the social and economic hardships of the late nineteenth century eventually came as a result of
    C)an increase in the international gold supply.
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