
  1. 1. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) American declaration of war on Spain, (B) sinking of the Maine, (C) passage of the Teller Amendment, (D) passage of the Platt Amendment.
    [C] B, A, C, D
  2. 2. President Theodore Roosevelt branded reporters who tried to uncover injustice as �muckrakers� because
    [C] he was annoyed by their excessive zeal.
  3. 3. The public outcry after the horrible Triangle Shirtwaist fire led many states to pass
    [E] restrictions on female employment in the clothing industry.
  4. 4. That a �talented tenth� of American blacks should lead the race to full social and political equality with whites was the view of
    [A] W. E. B. Du Bois.
  5. 5. The United States� frequent intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries in the early twentieth cen-tury
    [D] left a legacy of ill will and distrust of the United States throughout Latin America.
  6. 6. A major weakness of Spain in the Spanish-American War was
    [D] the wretched condition of its navy.
  7. 7. The United States gained a perpetual lease on the Panama Canal Zone in the
    [A] Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty.
  8. 8. By 1900, advocates of women�s suffrage
    [D] argued that the vote would enable women to extend their roles as mothers and homemakers to the public world.
  9. 9. With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the great majority of Americans
    [C] earnestly hoped to stay out of the war.
  10. 10. Because of the benefits that it conferred on labor, Samuel Gompers called the __________ �labor�s Magna Charta.�
    [C] Clayton Anti-Trust Act
  11. 11. Labor unions, Populists, and debtors saw in the brutal Pullman episode
    [D] proof of an alliance between big business, the federal government, and the courts.
  12. 12. Jacob Coxey and his �army� marched on Washington, D.C., to
    [B] demand that the government relieve unemployment with a public works program.
  13. 13. Booker T. Washington believed that the key to political and civil rights for African-Americans was
    [C] economic independence.
  14. 14. In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that
    [C] �separate but equal� facilities were constitutional.
  15. 15. One weapon that was used to put Boss Tweed, leader of New York City�s infamous Tweed Ring, in jail was
    [D] the cartoons of the political satirist Thomas Nast.
  16. 16. �Sooners� were settlers who �jumped the gun� to
    [E] claim land in Oklahoma.
  17. 17. To assimilate Indians into American society, the Dawes Act did all of the following except
    [E] outlaw the sacred Sun Dance.
  18. 18. John D. Rockefeller used all of the following tactics to achieve success in the oil industry except
    [C] showing mercy to his competitors.
  19. 19. The Roosevelt Corollary added a new provision to the Monroe Doctrine that was specifically designed to
    [A] justify U.S. intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries.
  20. 20. President Wilson insisted that he would hold __________ to �strict accountability� for __________.
    [B] Germany, the loss of American ships and lives to submarine warfare
  21. 21. When extended, the Open Door policy called on all big powers, including the United States, to
    [D] observe the territorial integrity of China.
  22. 22. As a result of the defeat of Captain William Fetterman�s command,
    [A] the Great Sioux Reservation was guaranteed to the Sioux tribes.
  23. 23. The early settlement house workers, such as Jane Addams and Florence Kelley, helped to blaze the profes-sional trail for
    [D] social workers.
  24. 24. Most New Immigrants
    [B] tried to preserve their Old Country culture in America.
  25. 25. One problem with the Homestead Act was that
    [C] 160 acres were inadequate for productive farming on the rain-scarce Great Plains.
  26. 26. By 1900, American attitudes toward labor began to change as the public came to recognize the right of workers to bargain collectively and strike. Nevertheless,
    [E] the vast majority of employers continued to fight organized labor.
  27. 27. President Woodrow Wilson refused to intervene in the affairs of Mexico until
    [B] a small party of American sailors was arrested in Tampico.
  28. 28. Lincoln Steffens, in his series of articles entitled �The Shame of the Cities,�
    [E] unmasked the corrupt alliance between big business and municipal government.
  29. 29. The Knights of Labor believed that republican traditions and institutions could be preserved from corrupt monopolists
    [C] by strengthening the economic and political independence of the workers.
  30. 30. The most effective and most enduring labor union of the post-Civil War period was the
    [B] American Federation of Labor.
  31. 31. Which of the following provides the least valid support for the theory that the frontier served as a �safety valve� for American social discontent and economic conflict?
    [D] Eastern city dwellers headed west to get free homesteads during depressions.
  32. 32. The settlement house and women�s club movements were crucial centers of female progressive activity be-cause they
    [C] introduced many middle-class women to a broader array of urban social problems and civic concerns.
  33. 33. One reason that the British submitted their border dispute with Venezuela to arbitration was
    [B] their growing tensions with Germany made settlement seem wise.
  34. 34. In an attempt to avoid prosecution for their corrupt dealings, the owners of Credit Mobilizer
    [A] distributed shares of the company�s valuable stock to key congressmen.
  35. 35. Woodrow Wilson�s approach to American foreign policy earned the label of __________ diplomacy.
    [C] moral
  36. 36. To help corporations, the courts ingeniously interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment, which was designed to protect the rights of ex-slaves, so as to
    [B] avoid corporate regulation by the states.
  37. 37. The gospel of wealth, which associated godliness with wealth,
    [D] discouraged efforts to help the poor.
  38. 38. With the passage of the Pendleton Act, politicians now sought money from
    [A] big corporations.
  39. 39. As to whether American laws applied to the territory acquired in the Spanish-American War, the Supreme Court decided that
    [A] American laws did not necessarily apply.
  40. 40. The battleship Maine was sunk by
    [D] an explosion on the ship.
  41. 41. In the late nineteenth century, those political candidates who campaigned by �waving the bloody shirt� were reminding voters
    [A] of the �treason� of the Confederate Democrats during the Civil War.
  42. 42. Teddy Roosevelt helped to end the 1902 strike in the anthracite coal mines by
    [B] threatening to seize the mines and to operate them with federal troops.
  43. 43. The Populist Party arose as the direct successor to
    [E] the Farmers� Alliance.
  44. 44. President James A. Garfield was assassinated
    [C] by a deranged, disappointed office seeker.
  45. 45. Which of the following was not among the platform planks adopted by the Populist Party in their conven-tion of 1892?
    [A] government guarantees of �parity prices� for farmers
  46. 46. The image of the �Gibson Girl� represented
    [C] an independent and athletic �new woman.�
  47. 47. The 1912 presidential election was notable because
    [A] it gave the voters a choice of political and economic philosophies
  48. 48. The Depression of the 1890s and episodes like the Pullman Strike made the election of 1896 shape up as
    [E] a battle between down-and-out workers and farmers and establishment conservatives.
  49. 49. One of the most significant aspects of the Interstate Commerce Act was that it
    [E] represented the first large-scale attempt by the federal government to regulate business.
  50. 50. Anti-imperialists presented all of the following arguments against acquiring the Philippine Islands except that
    [E] the islands were still rightfully Spain�s, for they were taken after the armistice had been signed.
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