Measured Numbers and Significant Figures

  1. What is a significant figure?
    If there is no 0 or a zero at the end of a decimal number
  2. When is a number not significant?
    if a zero is at the beginning of a decimal or without a decimal point
  3. If the length is reported as 2.76cm, is this number significant or not significant?
    All 3 digits are significant including the estimated digit (6).
  4. -|8 . . . . | . . . . |9 . . . . | . . . . |10 . .
    What is the length of the star line?
    1) 9.0 cm
    2) 9.04 cm
    3) 9.05 cm
    • Answer: 9.04 cm or 9.05 cm
    • - Estimated digit may be slightly different. Both readings are acceptable
  5. How do you read a meterstick?
    -|2 . . . . | . . . . |3 . . . . | . . . .
    • The first digit is 2
    • plus the second digit 2.7
    • The last digit is obtained by estimation (could be 2.75 cm or 2.76 cm)
Card Set
Measured Numbers and Significant Figures
Chemistry Measured Numbers & Significant Figures