Primary Equipment 3
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What are 4 major parts of serial film changers or automatic film changers?
1. Film & mounting changer stand assembly
a)transport system
b)Compression system
c) Exporsure Field
D Mounting Stand
2. Supply Magazine
3. Receiving Magazine
4. Program Selector
What are 3 types of serial film changers or automatic film changers?
1. Rolled film changers
2. Cut film changers
3. Cassette changers
What is indirect aquisition?
Image information acquired from image intensification device such as videotape videodisc, digital imaging and cinefluoroscopy.
What is Direct acquisition?
Images acquired via analog techniques radiographic film/screen
What are some power injector percautions?
-Always fill syringe in the vertical position
-Always fill syringe from the plunger pushed foward position
-Always purge the air from syringe
What are the Parameters that effect delivery rates of CM through a catheter?
Catheter length
-The delivery rate is inversely prop. to the catheter the longer the catheter is the slower the delivery rate
Catheter Diameter
-The larger the catheter diameter the greater the delivery rate
Catheter Holes
-One end hole only vs many side holes
the more holes to deliver the contrast the higher the delivery rate can increase rate from 10 - 20 5 with ea additional hole.
Viscosity of CM
-Decrease in viscosity increases the delivery rate
What are Electromechanical injectors or Automatic injectors basic components?
1. Control Panel
a) Volume-
b) Flow rate
c) Rate/Rise control
d) Presure limit control
e) Delay x-ray
f) Mechanical Stop
g) Rate monitor control light
2. Syringe
3. Heating Device
4. Control for the syringe
5. High pressure plastic jacket
What is a run?
A group of expsures taken throughout an injection of contrast. Taken a various frame rates and should be considered when calculating patiens exposure.
What does the image intensifiers do?
What are sizes?
Converts the x-ray image to a brighter but smaller image on the phospor.
Diffrent sizes common 6" or 9"
larger 12" or 14"
How do you calculated the anode heat units?
KVP x mA x time x type of generator
Single phase = 1
Three phase (6pulse) = 1.36
Three phase (12pulse) = 1.41
High Frequency = 1.45
What is the anode rotation in x-ray overhead tubes?
10,000 RPM conventional radiology is approx 5000
What is the anode angle in angiography?
It is in the range 7-10 degrees
*note conventional radiology range is 17-20 degrees
What are the focal spots on a x-ray overhead tubes
Non-magnification and magnification sizes?
Non Magnification size is 0.6
Magnification size is 0.3
What is the primary equipment in a suite?
2 x-ray tubes
-overhead or c-arm
serial film exposure capability
-bi-planes filming
one injection ap & later views
simultaneously or alternating exposures
What fluroscopy systems are in angiography suite?
C-arm or U-arm
overhead tv monitors
525 lines/frame or better
What components are in a angiography room?
Xray tubes
image intensifier
television monitor
t-ray table
electromechanical injector
What is in a ideal angiographic suite?
Procedure room
-Minimum of 500 sq ft 9 ft celing
Control room
-minimum of 60 sq ft
Adequate storage area
Card Set
Primary Equipment 3
Unit I Primary Equipment