
  1. meg/a-, meg/alo-, meg/aly-
    large, oversized
  2. Megacolon
    • mega-
    • enlarged colon
  3. Megaloblast
    • megalo-
    • large immature blood cell
  4. Hepatomegaly
    • megaly-
    • enlarged liver
  5. cardiomegaly
    • megaly-
    • enlarged heart
  6. necr/o-
  7. Necrosis
    • necro-
    • localized tissue death
  8. Necropsy
    • necr-
    • examination of dead animal
  9. olig/o-
    few, little
  10. Oliguria
    • olig-
    • scanty urine formation
  11. Oligospermia
    • oligo-
    • few sperm
  12. orth/o-
    straight, normal, correct
  13. Orthodontics
    • ortho-
    • straightening teeth
  14. Orthodox
    • ortho-
    • commonly accepted
  15. pachy-
  16. Pachyderm
    • pachy-
    • thick-skinned animal
  17. Pachymeninges
    • pachy-
    • thick meninges (around brain and spinal cord)
  18. pale/o-
    old, primitive
  19. Palogenetic
    • paleo-
    • originated in past
  20. Paleontology
    • paleo-
    • study of primitive life
  21. platy-
    flat, wide
  22. Platyhelminth
    • platy-
    • flatworm
  23. Platyrrhine
    • platy-
    • wide nose
  24. ple/o-
    more, many
  25. Pleomorphic
    • pleo-
    • many forms
  26. Pleochromatic
    • pleo-
    • many colors
  27. poikil/o-
    irregular, varied
  28. Poikilocytosis
    • poikilo-
    • irregular red cell shapes
  29. Poikilothermic
    • poikilo-
    • cold-blooded
  30. -scler/o-
  31. Sclerosis
    • sclero-
    • hardening
  32. Arteriosclerosis
    • -sclero-
    • artery hardening
  33. scleroderma
    • sclero-
    • hardening of the skin & other tissues
  34. sinstr/o-
    left, to the left
  35. Sinistrad
    • sinistr-
    • toward the left
  36. Sinistromanual
    • sinistro-
    • left-handed
  37. sten/o-
    narrow, contracted
  38. Stenosed
    • sten-
    • narrowed, contracted
  39. Stenosis
    • steno-
    • abnormal constriction
  40. stere/o-
    solid, three-dimensional
  41. Stereoscopic
    • stereo-
    • solid appearance
  42. Stereopsis
    • stereo-
    • three-dimensional vision
  43. tachy-
    rapid, fast
  44. Tachypnea
    • tachy-
    • fast breathing
  45. Tachycardia
    • tachy-
    • rapid heart rate
  46. tel/e-, tel/o-
    distant, end
  47. Telophase
    • telo-
    • final stage
  48. Telencephalon
    • tele-
    • end brain
  49. therm/o-
  50. Thermogenic
    • thermo-
    • producing heat
  51. Thermolabile
    • thermo-
    • destruction by heat
  52. thermoregulation
    • thermo-
    • able to maintain body temperature
  53. xer/o-
  54. Xerophthalmia
    • xer-
    • dry eyes
  55. Xeroderma
    • xero-
    • dry skin
Card Set
vet tech medical terminology 2 adjectival roots and combining forms set 2 meg to xer