The attainment of organizational goals in an effective and effiecient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources
4 Basic Functions of management
- planning - select golas and ways to obtain them
- organizing - assign responsibility for tasks
- leading - use influence to motivate
- controlling - monitor activites and make corrections
A formally structured collection of individuals working toward common/shared goals
the use of minimal resources(input) to produce a desired volume of profit
the degree to which the organization acheives a stated goal
Conceptual Skills
cognitive ability to see the organization as a wwhole and the relationship among its parts
top managers need this the most
Human Skills
Ability to work with and through other people and work effectively as a group member
all managers need this skill
Technical Skills
understanding of and proficiency in the performance of specific tasks
- lower managers -> Most
- medium managers -> More
- Top Managers -> least
Roles of Managers
Informational roles: develop and maintain information network (monitor, spokesperson)
Interpersonal roles: pertain to relationships with others (figurehead, leader)
Decisional Roles: to make choices requiring conceptual and human skills (entrepenuer, negotiator)
Crisis Management Skills
- Stay Calm
- Be visible
- put people before business
- tell the truth
- know when to get back to business
Learning Organization
- Continuously improves based on the lessons of experience manages knowledge,
- workers must possess and use knowledge,
- knowledge needed is increasing,
- knowledge needs to be preserved and communicated continuous improvement through teams,
- open book management of information and empowered workers
Classical Perspective
rational, scientific, approach to study of management and sought to make workers and organizations like efficient machines
Scientific Management
standard methods, careful selection, training, good working conditions, provide incentives
Bureaucratic organizations
defined authority and responsibility, set procedures, goals of fairness and efficiency, seperation of management and owners
Administrative Management
14 principles
- unity of comand
- division of work
- unity of direction
- scalar chain of command
- authority = responsibility
How did the Hawthorne studies lessen the influence of the classical perspective
enlightened treatment of workers and powersharing between managers and employees, satisfaction of employees' social and physiological needs as key to increased worker productivity
Theory X
- People dislike work and prefer to be directed
- must be coerced to work
- want to avoid responsibility
- have little ambition
- want security above everything
Theory Y
Human resources
- people will accept respnsibility
- have intellect that could be apploed to organizational goals
- only partially use their intellectual potential
Total Quality Management
emphasizes continuous improvement in all organizational processes, lead to the learning organization
Two categories of factors in organization's environment that combine to determing of uncertianty in the environment
- Rate of change in factors in environment
- number of factors in organization environment
Three strategies for coping with high uncertainty
1. adapt the organization to the changes in the environment
2. Influence the environment to make it more compatible with organizational needs
3. moving from one environment to another
Corporate culture
Key values, beliefs, understandings and norms shared by members of an organization
2 Elements of Corporate Culture
- artifacts - physical structures, rituals, ceremonies, stories, language, symbols
- all the artifacts represent the culture underneath(beliefs, values, assumptions)
Adaptive Culture
- Managets care about customers, stockholders and employees
- they value people and processes that can bring about useful change
Unadaptive Culture
- Managers care mainly about themselves, their immediate work group or some product or technology
- they value stability and risk reduction
Cultural Leadership
general techniques include communicate, reward, set examples
Domestic Stage
All production and marketing facilities at home
International Stage
International division is typically part of the the struture, but it is not dominant
Multinational Stage
marketing and production in many countries and 1/4 of sales from outside home country
Global Stage
Making sales and aquiring resources in whatever country offers the best deal
ownership, control and top management tend to be dispersed
Market Entry Strategies
To develop foreign markets
- global outsourcing
- exporting
- licensing
- franchising
- direct investing
High power distance
means people accept inequality in power among institutions organizations and people
US has low power distance
High uncertianty avoidance
Members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity
Low for US
Reflects a value for a loosely knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves
high for the US
a preference for a tightly knit social framework in which individuals look after one another
low for US
stress the importance of acheivement, heroism, assertiveness and material success
High for US
value relationships, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life
Low for US
Time orientation
The degree that people value thirft, savings, and persistence versus quick profits, frequent promotions, and rapid feedback from decisions
short term for US
Managing Cross culturally
must be culturally flexible and easily adapt to new situations and ways of doing things
Motivating: must fit the incentives with the culture
Controlling: often unable to fire unproductive employees and must find productive ways of dealing with them
Belief in the inherent superiority of ones ethnic group or culture
The code of moral principles and vlues that govern the behavoirs of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong
are unenforceable in a legal sense but are often powerful
Free choice
behavior about which law has no say and for which an individual or organization enjoys complete freedom
codified law
values and standards that are written into the legal system
Ethical dilemma
when all choices have been deemed undesireable because of potrntially negative etheicalconsequenses, making it difficult to distinguish right from wrong
the choices also have attractive attributes
Utilitarian approach
moral behaviors produce the most good for the greatest number of people
Individualism appraoch
Acts are moral when the promote the individuals best long term interests
the golden rule
moral rights approach
human beings have fundemental rights
justice approach
standards of equity fairness and impartiality
Levels of moral development
- Preconventional level: concernes with external rewards and punishments
- Conventional level: conform to the expectations of peers and society
- Postconventional level: (principled level) individuals develop a personal internal set of standards and values - about 20% of adults
Social Responsibility
An organization taking actions that contribute to a society, being a good coporate citizen
the belief that a business should be operated for the benefit of all who are concerned with it
Organizational stakeholders
oweners, investors, employees, suppliers, customers, government and society
4 views of responsibilities of business
economic responsibilities: the social responsibility = profit maximizing - anything for profit beavior
legal responsibility: social responsibility = obeying the law (as well as making profit) - defensive behavior
Ethical responsibility: the be ethical an organizarion should seek a higher standard than merely obeying the law - accommodation behavior
discretionary responsibilities: purely voluntary, not mandated by economics, law, or ethics. Goes beyond what society expects - this is true social responsibility - proaction behavior
why Social responsibility?
- Self defense: if business is not proactive, the public or government will press for more regulation
- obligation: business exists due to being sanctioned by society - owes debt to society
- self interest - social responsibility is ood for business in long run
Arguments against Social responsibility
- Social expenditures amount to theft of business owners'd equity
- business lacks the ability to pursue social goals
- business would gain too much power id incolved in the social domain
Code of ethics
a formal statement of the company's values concerning etics and social issues
Principle-based: designed to: enable the employee to make ethical decisions based on appropiate values
- Policy-based: outline how to act in specific ethical situations - reducing the need for thinking or shared values
- conflicts of interest
- Proprietary of information
- political gifts
- equal opportunities
Organizational strutures to promote ethics
- Ethics committee: groupappointed to monitor company ethics
- hotlines: employees can report questionable behavior, possible fraud, waste, or abuse
- ethics training programs
- definition: the disclosure by and employee of illegal immoral or illigitimate practices by the organization
- guidelines: be sure you are right, try to resolve the situation in-house first, consult an attorney before contacting the media, relize you could be fired, don't expect to profit financially
New workplace characteristics
- digitization of business
- work is free flowing and flexible
- empowered employees are expected to seize opportunities and solve poblems as the emerge
Human-relations movement
based on the idea that truely effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict authoritarian control
Human-resources perspective
maintaned an interest in worker participation and considerate leadership but shifted the emphasis to consider the daily tasks that people perform
General environment
is the outer layer that is widely dispersed and affects organizations indirectly
includes social, economic, legal-political, international, natural and technological factors that influence all oganizations about equally
task environment
is closer to the organization and includes the sectors that conduct day to day transactions with the organization and directly influence its basic operations and performance
generally includes competitors, suppliers, customers, and the labor market
internal environment
includes the elements within the organizations bounadries
includes current employees, management, and especially corporate culture
high context culture
people are sensitive to circumstances surrounding social exchanges
people use communication primarily to build personal social relationships
meaning is derived frrom context(setting, status, and nonverbal behavoir)
Low context culture
people use communication primarily to exhange facts and information, maeaning is primarily derived primarily from words, business transactions are more important than bilding relationships and trust
World Trade Organization
permanent global institution that can monitor international trade and has legal authority arbitrate dispoutes on some 400 trade issues
151 countries
refers to economic development that generates wealth and meets the needs of the current generation while saving the environment to future generations can mee their needs as well