Chapter 14

  1. Bolsheviks
    A group of revolutionary Russian Marxists who took control of Russia's government in November 1917
  2. Soviet
    One of the local representative councils formed in Russia after the downfall of Czar Nicholas II
  3. Totalitarianism
    Government control over every aspect of public and private life
  4. Great Purge
    A campaign of terror in the Soviet Union during the 1930s, in which Joseph Stalin sought to eliminate all Communist Party members and other citizens who threatened his power
  5. Command Economy
    An economic system in which the government makes all economis decisions
  6. Five-Year Plan
    Plans outlined by Joseph Stalin in 1928 for the development of the Soviet Union's economy
  7. May Fourth Movement
    A nationalist protest in China in 1919, in which people demonstrated againt the Treaty of Varsailles and foreign interference
  8. Long March
    A 6,000-mile journey made in 1934-1935 by Chinese Communists fleeing from Jiang Jieshi's Nationalist forces
  9. Rowlatt Acts
    Laws passed in 1919 that allowed the British government in India to jail anti-British protesters without trail for as long as two years
  10. Amritsar Massacre
    Killing by British troops of nearly 400 Indians gathered at Amristar to protest the Rowlatt Acts
  11. Civil Disobedience
    A deliberate and public refusal to obey a law considered unjust
  12. Salt March
    A peaceful protest against the Salt Acts in 1930 in India in which Mohandas Gandhi led his followers on a 240-mile walk to the sea, where they made their own salt from evaporated seawater
  13. Demands Loyalty
    State Control of Individuals
  14. Police Terror
    Methods of Enforcement
  15. Advanced Military Weapons
    Modern Technology
  16. Buisness
    State Control of Society
  17. Exercises Absolute Authority
    Dictatorship and One-Party Rule
  18. Unites People
    Dynamic Leader
  19. Sets Goals of the State
  20. New Economy Policy
    Plan Lenin put in place in 1921 which was a version of capitalism
  21. Kulaks
    Wealthy class of persons who resisted the formation of collective farms
  22. Duma
    Russia's first parliament which first met in 1906
  23. Indian National Congress
    Hindu group formed to rid India of foreign rule
  24. Bloody Sunday
    Provoked a wave of strikes and violence across Russian in 1905
  25. Ottoman
    The break up of this empire helped spur the rise in nationalism in this region
  26. Indoctrination
    Totalitarian states rely on this instruction in the government's beliefs to mold people's minds
  27. Nationalists
    Party which massacred many members of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai in 1927
  28. Museum of Atheism
    Opened under Stalin to show that religious beliefs were mere superstition
  29. Pogroms
    Organized violence against Jews
  30. Peasant Sea
    Mao reffered to his tactic of taking his revolution to the countryside as "Swimming in the..."
  31. Japan
    Communists and Nationalist in China temporarily united to fight this common enemy
  32. Government of India Act
    Provided local self governments and limited democratic elections, but not total independence
  33. Siberia
    A remote region of Eastern Russia where political prisoners were sent
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Chapter 14