Black Death
Burbonic plague which started in 1346 and eventually killed one thierd of all Europeans
Boston Tea Party
Protest staged December 16, 1773, when an organized squad of rougly sixty colonists dressed up as Mohawk Indians, dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor
Boston Massacre
Incendiary riot on March 5, 1770 when British soldiers fired into a crowd and killed five people
Committees of Correspondence
Organized froups of letter writers
Virtual Representation
Theory endorsed by Parliament that said the House Of Commons represented the intersts of all my king's subjects, wherever they might reside: this was the pretext for rejecting the colonists' demand for actual representation
Stamp Act
Passed in 1765 this act mandated the use of stamped paper for all official papers, including diplomas, marriage licenses,etc
Sons of Liberty
Groups of colonial leaders who organized protests, and intimidated stamp officials; their actions caused resignation of all known stamp officials
Pontiac's Rebellion
Brutal battles between Ottowa Indians and English troops in 1763
Treaty of Paris
1763 agreement between Spain,England, and France that made the Misssissippi River the boundary between Englands's holding and Spain's and evicted France from North America
A movement to prioritize the human capacity for reason as the highest form of human attainment
Triangular Trade
Pattern of trade in which fish, grains, spices, sugar ships, slaves, and gold were traded between the New England Colonies, England, West Indies and Africa
Slave Codes
Laws meant to govern the slave system of labor
Protestants who believe that Gods will was directly transmitted to people through the inner light of divine knowledge that person possesses within his or her being; this belief was in direct oppostion to the Bible centered Protestant mainstream
Navigation Acts
Regulations that directed where the colonial producers could ship their goods, stipulated that colonists must transport their goods in English ships and listed a group of products that colonitsts were permittedto sell only to England
Proprietary Colonies
Colonies owned and ruled by an individual or a private corporation, rather than crown
Pequot War
Bloody battles of the 1630s between New England colonists and the Pequot
Family arrangement in which children typically follow the clan of their mother
Iroquois Confederacy
Group of northeastern tribes that joined together to form a political and trading entity and later created an elaborate political system, also know as the Haudenosaunee Confederation
Southwestern conglomeratin of tribes including the Aace, Navajo, Hopio, Taos, and Zunies
Flourishing Islamic kingdom; it enveloped the kingdom of Ghana by the fourteenth/ thirteenth century.
System of labor in which a land granted control over a piece of land, and authority over all the lands inhabitants, to an upper class ally or vassal
Intellectual and artistic reconncection to the age of Greco Roman antiquity, starting in the fourteenth century
Powhatan Confederacy
Group of six Algonquian villages in present day Virginia, names after its leader
Head Right
50 acres of land granted by the Virgina Company to any individual who paid his or her own passage across the Atlantic. This put more property in private hands.
Toleration Act of 1649
Act granting freedom of worship to anyone who accepted the divinity of Jesus Christ. This meant that neither Catholics nor Protestants could be imprisoned for their faith
Mayflower Compact
An agreement that bound each memeber of the Separatist group in Plymouth to obey majority rule and o promis to defend one another from potential eviction. Precedent for democratic rule in Mass.
King Philips War
British colonists name for Metacoms War
Great Awakening
Americas first large scale religious revival originated by preachers who stresses that all were equal in Christ
Intolerable Acts
Colonists collective label for the Quebec Act and the Coercive Acts
Olive Branch Petition
Declaration t oKing George 3 that the colonists were sill loyal to him and imploring the king to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict
Juan De Onate
first european governor
John Zegner
set freedom of Press
George Whitefield
admired by all colonists