1. 10% Plan: Congressional Recon, Radical Republicans – not in session
- a. Lincolns Reconstruction plan
- b. Presidential R. Ends slavery. Reuniting south north
- c. 1/10th south. Pop must pledge loyalty for readmission
- d. Pledge loyalty to end
2. Debt Peonage
a. Is a legal form of slavery used civil war
3. Freedman Bureau
- i. 40 acres + mule
- ii. Schools, public care and protection
- c. A-A southern community
4. Andrew Johnson (Impeach)
- a. Congress says Tenure of Office Act Edwin Stanton
- b. Support a quick Reconstruction
5. Military Recon. Act
- a. Radical Congressional
- b. 5 military (5 districts)
- c. Military occupation
- d. Gov. control of race issue (Freedman Bureau)
- i. 40 acres + mule
- ii. Wax debt
6. 13th Amendment
a. Ends slavery
7. 14th amendment
- a. due process
- b. Andrew Johnson (Tennessee)
8. 15th Amendment
- a. a-a men can vote
- b. Guarantee to African American vote (7%)
- i. Limitations to vote
- ii. Pull Tax
- iii. Understanding Test
9. Compromise 1877
- a. Ends reconstruction $ decide
- b. Election of 1876 (splits elections vote between Hayes (Rep.) & Tilden (D)
- c. Southern Dem. to cabinet
- d. Fed $ for trans & infrastructure
10.Black Codes
- a.Set of laws (written/understood
- b.Restrict A-A behavior
- a.Secret (illegal) 1940 come back on Chicago
- b.Anti- onteguation
- c.Type of violence
- d.Lynch
12.Radical Republicans
- a.Congressional power
- b.Aggressive, punitive treatment of south
- c.Dictate tone recon. Until 1877
13.Laissez – Faire
- a.Hands off policy
- b.U.S. Gov. will not regular economy (provide no oversight)
- c.Consistently sides is in industry over labor
14.Vertical Integration
- a. Owning every stage of production
- b. Carnegele (U.S Steel)
15. Horizontal integration
- a. Owning all competition
- b. Trust or monopoly
- c. Rockefeller (standard oil)
16.Alexander G. Bell
- a.Telephone
- b.American Bell
- c.Both Integration: Vertical & Horizontal
17.JP Morgan
- a.Banking/investments
- b.Access to wealth allows
- c.Control of industry
18.Santa Clara
- a.Companies are individual
- b.Entitled to protection under lyth amond
- c.Allows rapid growth of industry
19.A.C. Bell
- a.Telephone
- b.Horizontal & vertical integration
20.Social Darwinism
- a.Justifying poor/rich divide
- b.Applies natural selection to economic principles
- c.Public programs will drain resources & keep unwanted elements
21.Gospel of wealth
a.Applying dinne justice to poverty
22.Social Darwinist
- a.Except the Idea
- b.Fail American Empire
- a. Anti-immigrant sentiment
- b. Places importance on WASP
- c. All others restricted from immigrant or limited in lifestyle
1. Birdsof Passage
- a. Men (18-24)
- b. Immigrants w/temporary residency
- c. Want return to native lands
- d. Return rates small due to economic status
- a. Boxer - African America
- b. Defeats Jefferies (Great White Hope)
- i. Changes American perspective of A-A
- 1. Emphasizes strength/physical city over intelligence
- c. Challenges social norms (Re-A-A) pushes white (black race issue)
1. HarrisonAnti-Narcotic Act
- a. Control drug use through
- i. Regulation
- b. Crime/health issues
- c. Regulation of public healt
- a. Jewish (minority) MGM
- b. Minority populations play large role in growth of leisure culture
1. Players League
- a. Union designed to protect baseball players
- b. Fails due to competition
- c. Demonstrate
- i. Institutionalization
- d. Leisure and the incorporation by big business
1. Jim Thorpe
- a. Native American
- b. Olympics athlete (wins)
- i. Stripped of metals due to $
- ii. Minorities excluded who possible from white culture
1. Georgia vs Cherokee Nation
- a. SC case – US. Gov. Must honor treaties
- b. Jackson pushes removal & us stance becomes not assimilation
- c. Trail of tears
1. Chief Joseph
- a. Nez Perce – Attempt assimilation removed by U.S.
- b. Flee military & be overtaken & killed
- c. Removal
1. Little Big Horn
- a. Sitting ball
- b. Challenges military (costar)
- c. Defeats American forces
- d. Leads dramatic escalation of NA directed violence
1. Wounded Knee
- a. Last NA large scales rest (Last Major Indian)
- b. Military destiny siouce
- c. Leads to a withdrawal from harsh policy toward N-A removals
1. Patrons of Husbandry (Granger Laws)
- a. Western reform group
- b. Farmers Alliance
- c. Hope to create alliance of small farmers that can fight off big business advantage
- d. Support laws standard by business practices
1. McKinley Tariff (Republican)
- a. Panic of 1890
- b. McKinley Tar
- c. Corey’s Army
- d. Gold standard
- i. Gold only (UK)
1. Dawes Severalty Act
- a. Outlaws N.A. culture (long/Rel/tribal units)
- b. Hopes to eliminate cultures & push assimilation
- c. Provides education
Ghost Dance
- a. Wovoka leads (Failure of Assimilation)
- b. Was dream that a return to N.A. – U.S. military forces end of forces though violence
Manifest Destiny
- a. U.S. has unique destiny, determine by God, to expand territory East coast
- b. Expands settle west
- c. Native American pushed off land
1. Buffalo Soldiers (western territories)
- a. A.A. military units
- b. Attack
- c. Segregation union
- d. 1871; revorce Treaty System
Free Silver
- a. Economic Term
- b. Gold Standard – 1870
- i. Crime of 1870
1. Booker T Washington
- a. Opposed by W.E.B. DnBoie
- b. Forms Tuskegee institute
- c. A-A will gain equal rights when economically important (equal)
- d. Hanta compromise
1. Ida. B. Wells
a. Don’t support Lynching
b. Use northern audience to push reform
1. Plessy v. Ferguson
- a. Separate but equals
- i. Segregation allowed as long as facilities are equal $
- b. Legalizes segregation
1. Sherman Anti-Trust Act
- a. Outlaws trust (Rockefeller)
- b. Laissez faire policy outside of union interferemic
Alfred Thayer Kahan
- a. The influence of Sea Power Union History
- b. All great nations and smons navy
- c. U.S. should fund development
1. American Exceptionnalism
- a. U.S. has superior pp, resources, religion, Gov. system
- b. Responsibility to spend ideologies
- i. Pushes the emotion of empire
- (imperialism)
1. Election 1996
- a. Fusion ticket
- i. Jenning Biiuyang
- ii. Tom Watsing
- b. Split between D&P
- c. 3rd party system is unable to sustain itself or longer profits
1. Sewards Folly
- a. William seward
- b. Wants American empire
- c. Huge Alaska (from Russian)
- d. Congress Refuses to find
- i. 1st foray into concerted empire building
1. White Squadron
- a. Attempt after C.W. to rebuild
- b. 2 fleets
1. Spanish – American War
- a. Dispute begins in Cuba – has pacific sphere (Philippines)
- i. Revolution (Leader – Jose Marti
- ii. Explosion of Maine pushes U.S. to War
- iii. Teller A. - U.S. has no aims fro control
- 1. Will not he involved after war
- iv. Ends with treaty of Paris
1. Treaty of Paris
- a. Ends Spanish American war
- b. Ends Spanish empire
- c. Independent Cuba
- d. U.S. receiver: Puerto Rico Guantanamo Bay
- e. Limited addressing of other native revolution
- f. Tellor A. & Platt A. – U.S. will have veto power over all Cuba decision
1. Yellow Journalism
- a. Sensationalized and emotionalized, slanted presentation of news
- b. Attempts to
- i. Sway popular opinion toward a certain viewpoint
- ii. Financial again through newspapers sales
1. Rough Riders
- a. T. Rosvelt leads
- b. Volunteer army
- c. Wins decisive U.S. battle (Cuba)
- d. John Juan
1. Emilio Aguinaldo
- a. Leader of Philippine Revolution
- b. Exiled but brought hack by Dewey (U.S. Navy)
- c. Used to over thought the Spanish
- d. Will become enemy of U.S./ capture (surreddents revolution)
- e. Comes under oversight of U.S. (part of America empires)
1. Great White Fleet
- a. U.S. navy (Pacific)
- b. Larger naval force (expansion of W. Squadron)
- c. Used to control international population
1. Big Stick Diplomacy
- a. Use threat of violence to force policy decision favorable to U.S.
- Roosevelt
1. Dollar Diplomacy
- a. Taft’s foreign policy
- b. American Instruments own control
- Other nations buy up country’s debt
1. Open Door Policy
- a. John Hay
- i. Concerns over closed markers & limited access
- No laws that restrict open trade w/China
1. Missionary Diplomacy
- a. Wilson’s Policy
- b. Build empire through the spread of American ideology
- c. Similar mind gets lead to similar interest & foreign policy decision