Animal Biology Lecture 7

  1. What does Ecydysozoa mean?
    why do Ecdysozoans need to molt?
    What phyla of animals are Ecydysozoans?
    Which Ecdysozoans are most abundant?
    which are most diverse?
    • Means molting animal.
    • They have a hardened exoskeleton so in order to get bigger the puff their bodies full of air or water and the molt forms.
    • -Arthropods and Nematods
    • -Nematods are most abundant
    • -Artropods are most diverse
  2. What makes a roundworm so round?
    Their liquid in their ceolom is under high hydrostatic pressure.
  3. Where do nematodes live?
    Everywhere freshwater, seawater, land, soil, parasites of plants and animals.
  4. How do you cure someone who has a
    guinea worm?
    Slowly excise it little by little one centimeter at a time with match stick.
  5. What is the largest intracellular
    parasite? How do you catch it? How do you cure it?
    • Trichinella
    • Catch it by eating uncooked omnivores (pig, bear)
    • Can't cure it but only treat it with pain killers
  6. Where do juveniles Trichinella worms
    How do they change the cell that they enter to ensure their long-term survival?
    • Inside modified muscle cells and change the cell into a nurse cell. (brings O2 and food)
    • They eat up all the actin and myosin and force the body to grow capillary wreaths around them.
  7. What
    are the four characteristics of the arthropod body plan?
  8. How does segmentation differ between the annelids and the arthropods?
    • Annelids- (earthworm) all the segments are alike
    • Arthropod- (Grasshopper) all the segments are different, head thorax and abdomin
  9. What is an open circulatory system?
    • Blood is not always in a vessel. unlike humans arteries veins.
    • crabs, spiders, grasshoppers blood sloshes around
  10. What are the names of the 3 major subphyla of arthropods and what are some examples
    of each? You can easily distinguish among the subphyla with antennae and with their characteristic appendages. Be able to give the name and function of the characteristic appendage (e.g. chelicerae for Chelicerata) and the number of antennae present in each subphylum.
    • Chelicerata-chelicerae 0 antennae
    • Insecta-mandible, 1 pair antennae
    • Crustacea-mandible, 2 pair antennae lobsters, crabs, shrimp
  11. For what trait are the Chelicerata named? What is the function of that trait?
    Named for Chelicerae- 1st appendages near head used for grabbing food. spiders, horseshoe crabs, parasitic mites
  12. In what ways do daddy long legs/harvestmen differ from spiders?
    Daddy longlegs- don't have venom, can't spin webs
  13. What group of animals first invented flight? when?
    • insecta- (ants, beetles, butterflies)
    • 300-400 mya
  14. What are the hypotheses to explain the evolution of insect wings?
    4 hypotheses about origin of wings

    • -Evolved to regulate body temp
    • -To stabilize when jumping
    • -Evolved from aquatic gills
    • -Functioned in swimming
  15. What are some advantages to insects to being able to fly?
    Can escape danger, find mates
  16. What morphological trait do insects and crustaceans share? (hint, is found on the head)
    They both have mandibles, used for chewing and grinding
  17. When and why do lobster’s migrate?
  18. In the Fall because the water is warmer at deeper areas because it's not affected by the weather.
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Animal Biology Lecture 7
Lecture 7 review