
  1. Can you spot whats wrong with this ID?
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    If you can't tell whats wrong with this ID, this quiz will help you.
  2. When looking at an ID, try to remember FLAG to see if you can tell if it's fake. What does FLAG stand for?

    A) Feel Look Ask Give back
  3. When Feeling the ID, you should be looking for:
    a) feel for raised edges, bumps, and uneven surfaces
    b) feel for nothing who cares, make the sale!
    a) feel for raised edges, bumps, and uneven surfaces
  4. When Looking at the ID what are you looking for?

    • B) Photo, Height/Weight, Age vs the person there, expiration, and lamination
    • *these are clues for if the ID has been tampered with or if it might be a fake.
  5. Suggested question(s) to ASK some about their ID might be which of these:
    a) is the ID fake?
    b) where did you get this fake ID?
    c) whats your birth month?
    d) ask their middle name
    • c) whats your birth month?
    • d) ask their middle name
    • Asking these questions will help give away if it's fake, if they hesitate about the birth month or don't know the middle name it's an easy give away.
  6. When GIVING BACK the ID you should check for the following:

    • C) are they nervous, fidgeting, do you seen another ID in their wallet?
    • *People with fake ID's will be in a hurry to get the ID back from your or be nervous when your looking at it, or appear to be in a hurry.
  7. Whats wrong with this ID?
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    • Paris Hilton doesn't live in Ohio
    • The lettering is incorrect for Ohio
    • It's expired
    • The picture is not straight on, IDs always have you look directly at the camera
  8. How about this ID whats wrong?
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    • 2 people in the pic
    • blurry
    • *IDs are always taken with high resolution cameras and printed in high resolutions as well
  9. What could be wrong with this one?
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    The print on your ID card should be high resolution, all printed information needs to be solid and clear. If the print is fuzzy, pixelated, or grainy then it will be a clear indication that the ID is fake. Also not looking directly at the camera
  10. What could be wrong with this ID?
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    Make sure that the lamination is correct. It should not peel, there should be no bumpy surfaces, and it should form a solid piece with the rest of the ID card.
  11. True or False:
    Authorized users are permitted to add lines to accounts.
    False, only the account holders are allowed to add lines to existing accounts.
  12. Now, would you sell to somebody who has an ID that looks like this?
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    Hopefully you answered no!
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