TMS Hebrew Chapter 6

  1. True or False?
    the hebrew language has no word to designat the indefinite article ('a' or 'an').
  2. Article rule 1: the article is normally attached with a _______ followed by a ______ in the first root letter of the word.
    • pathach
    • dagesh
  3. Article Rule 2: When the article is attached to a word beginning with one of the weak gutturals (aleph/ayin) or with resh, the article is pointed with _______ with out _______.
    • qamets
    • dagesh
  4. Article Rule 3: When the article is attached to a word beginning with one of the strong gutturals (he/het), the article is usually pointed with a ________ with no ______.
    • pathach
    • dagesh.
  5. Article Rule 4: when the article is attached to a word beginning with and unaccented 'he-qamets' or 'ayin-qamets' is is usually pointed with a ________.
    seghol (three dots in a triangle shape)
  6. Article Rule 5: when the article is attached to a word beginning with an accented 'he-qamets' or 'ayin-qamets' the article is usually poined with a _______.
Card Set
TMS Hebrew Chapter 6
Articles and Interrogatives