Africa: Unit Two

  1. Arianism
    some of Africa's contributions to Christian thought

    Jesus as a human. Council of Nice in 325 CE (mainly in Europe; Germany)
  2. Monophysite
    Jesus is Divine. Council of Chalcedon in 451 CE (mainly in Africa)

    Contribution to Christian thought in Africa
  3. Gnosticism (Gnostics)
    matter (this world) is evil and only "secret knowledge" could ensure salvation.

    Africa's contributions to Christian thought
  4. St. Anthony the Desert"
    part of Africa's contributions to Christian thought.

    The monastic movement.
  5. Neoplatonism
    part of Africa's contributions to Christian thought.

    ideas (logos) existed on a higher level that did the material world.
  6. Donastist (Donates)
    part of Africa's contributions to Christian thought.

    Faith or action
  7. Coptic
    part of Africa's contribution to Christian thought

    Coptic and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC)
  8. EOC
    part of Africa's contribution to Christian thought

    Coptic and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC)
  9. Swahili
    • Part of East Africa. Stretching from southern Somalia to southern Mozambique (around 2000 miles)
    • Mordern Scholars call it Swahili because of the language spoken
  10. the Camel
    used in trans-Saharan trade. Is used to help carry goods.
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Africa: Unit Two
topics in second unit of Africa