Bio 110 Chapter 1-2

  1. All the organisms living in a particular area plus all physical components of the area whth which organisms interact (air, soil, water, sunlight) is the:
  2. What are the 3 domains of life?
    • Domain Bacteria
    • Domain Archaea
    • Domain Eukarya
  3. Atoms want to fill their outer:___________ ________
    Electron Shell
  4. Approximately what is the PH of human blood?
  5. PH stands for:
    Potential of Hydrogen
  6. What are the two basic kinds of cells:
    • Prokaryotic
    • Eukaryotic
  7. What type of cell contains a nucleus?
  8. What are the characteristics of a Eukaryotic cell?
    Has a nucleus, organelles, membrane. forms of life such as plants, animals and fungi are composed of eukaryotic cells
  9. What are the characteristics of a prokaryotic cell?
    No nucleus, has a membrane, bacteria is commonly a prokaryotic cell
  10. The chemical basis for all of life's kinship?
  11. What are the two main approaches to learn about nature?
    • Discovery science
    • Hypotheses-Based Science
  12. What is a hypothesis?
    A proposed explanation for a set of observations.
  13. What are the 4 elements in the human body?
    • Oxygen
    • Carbon
    • Hydrogen
    • Nitrogen
  14. What is a substance consisting of two of more different elements combined in a fixed ratio?
  15. Atoms consis of _________ __________ ________
    • Protons
    • Neutrons
    • Electrons
  16. What is the charge of a proton
    + (positive)
  17. What is the charge of a neutron?
    Neutral (no electrical charge
  18. What is the charge of an electron?
    - (negative)
  19. The atom's central core is called:
  20. What determines an atom's atomic number?
    number of protons
  21. What does the number of protons of an atom give us?
    The atomic number
  22. What is an atoms mass number?
    The sum of the atom's protons and neutrons
  23. The mass of a proton and the mass of a neutron are expressed in an unit of measure called:
  24. The weight of an atom is its:
    atomic mass
  25. What is an isotope?
    Same formula but different arraingement
  26. a substance that is dissolved is called a:
  27. Bonds that transfer electrons are:
    Ionic bonds
  28. Bonds that join atoms into molecules are:
    Covelent bonds
  29. Explain a double bond:
    The sharing of 2 electrons
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Bio 110 Chapter 1-2
Chapter 1-2 biology 110