Cardiac Assessment

  1. what is the normal heart rate for an adult?
    60-100 BPM
  2. How long do you check a pulse?
    30secX2 or ir irregular a full minute
  3. What is tachycardia?
    Heart rate more than 100 BPM
  4. What causes tachycardia?
    Strenuous activity, sepsis, fever,and dehydration
  5. What would be your next step when taking a pulse that is 105?
    check baseline, notify RN, and document
  6. Pulse amplitude scale: 0=?
  7. Pulse amplitude scale: +1=?
  8. Pulse amplitude scale: +2=?
  9. pulse amplitude scale: +3=?
  10. Pulse amplitude scale: +4=?
  11. What is the RRT parameter for a pulse?
    <45 or >125
  12. what is bradycardia?
    heart rate <60 BPM
  13. what causes bradycardia?
    good physical condititon, medication, aging, defecation, vomiting,hypothyroidism, hypothermia, electrolyte disturbance (high or low potassium)
  14. what would be your next step when taking a slow pulse?
    check baseline, notify RN, document
  15. what is the normal range for BP?
    • 90-140 systolic (top #)
    • 60-90 diastolic (bttm #)
  16. What actions would you take before applying a BP cuff?
    Look for signs stating "no BP right/left arm": due to PICC/stent placement or pt had mastectomy, then choose right size cuff
  17. What is hypertension (HTN)?
    sustained elevation of systolic BP >140 and diastolic >90 at least 3times on 2 different occasions.
  18. what can cause hypertension?
    ETOH/drug withdrawals, increase of intracranial pressure, renal failure, aortic dissection, endocrine conditions, unhealthy lifestyles (smoking, poor diet, stress)
  19. what is hypertension known as?
    The silent killer
  20. What is hypotension?
    Sustained BP of <90/60
  21. what are some symptoms that come with HTN?
    Headache, chest pain, dizziness, SOB, nausea
  22. what is the difference between primary, and secondary HTN?
    Primary has no know cause, secondary has a know cause
  23. What is the difference between hypertensive emergency/urgency?
    Emergency is associated with end organ damage reguardless of BP reading; Urgency is an elevated BP >200/120 but no evidence of end organ damage
  24. What is anemia?
    Low red blood cell volume/count
  25. What is the purpose of Ted hose or SCD?
    To promote blood circulation and prevent DVT's
  26. How do you assess for DVT?
    Have patient point their toes towards their head, and pain felt (other than normal muscle streteching pain) is a positive sign
  27. What would you tell your patient if you suspect they have DVT?
    Do not move, massage, or apply warm compress or SCD'S to the area
  28. What is a doppler used for?
    A small pen like device used to locate a pulse that cannot be found by palpitation
  29. What is the capillary refill time?
    < 3 seconds
  30. Where is the apical pulse located?
    • 5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line;
    • apex of the heart
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Cardiac Assessment
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