
  1. An economy dominated by small and medium-sized for profit businesses
    competitive capitalism
  2. The economic system that is dominated
    by large-scale, for-profit corporations that operate in many different countries, thereby creating an international market system
    multinational capitalism
  3. An anti-immigrant ideology that advocates the protection of the native-born inhabitants of a country from immigrants who are seen as threatening or dangerous
  4. A view of life that promotes hard work and self-discipline
    Protestant work ethic
  5. A perspective that extended Charles Darwin’s evolutionary thinking into the social realm and argued for a culture that embraced the “survival of the fittest”
    social Darwinism
  6. Involves the subordination of indigenous societies
    colonization migration
  7. Residential, social, and economic niches called “Little Italies”
    ethnic enclaves
  8. -Marriage between members of different racial-ethnic groups
    -Major indicator of structural assimilation
  9. These tests measure only selected, learned verbal and quantitative skills, not broad
    basic intelligence
    IQ tests- Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Tests
  10. Marriage within one’s racial or ethnic group
  11. The stereotyped image of Italian Americans as
    being substantially involved in organized crime
    “Mafia” myth
  12. Which of the following was the dominant force in the U. S. economy and government during the half century prior to the Civil War?
    southern plantation oligarchy
  13. The Civil War was to a substantial degree a struggle for labor between only the northern industrialists and the southern plantation oligarchy.
  14. Which of the following groups was brought into the U. S. by military conquest?
  15. Which of the following is NOT a major reason for the significant increase in Asian immigration since the 1960s?
    diminished discrimination and racial inequality
  16. Early contacts between English immigrants and Native Americans resulted in substantial genocide and loss of land for the indigenous societies.
  17. English advocates in the colonial period put forth various explanations for colonial development including all but which of the following?
    to ensure indigenous peoples would convert to English ways
  18. By the early 20th century, the designations 'white Anglo-Saxon Protestant' and 'white Anglo-Protestant' increasingly came to blur the distinction between the English and the later northern European immigrant groups
    through political, economic, and cultural assimilation
  19. The social designation of a "white race"
    emerged strongly in the 18th and 19th centuries
  20. English immigrants during the 17th and 18th centuries consisted of four groups with distinctive speech patterns, architecture, religious orientation, family and child rearing customs, dress and food choices, and organization of public life.
  21. Race-oriented nativism, or "Anglo-Saxonism,"
    provided the rationalization for U. S. imperialist military and business expansion overseas
  22. Madison Grant and other nativists were especially worried that interbreeding of various "races" would result in the mongrelization of the superior "Nordic race."
  23. During the 1920s and 1930s the Ku Klux Klan sought to protect the rights of foreign immigrants, especially African, Catholic, and Jewish Americans.
  24. In the 19th century, nativism coupled with racist ideologies rationalized all but which of the following?
    the hiring of poor whites to use as cheap labor
  25. Which immigrant group contributed the most to the U. S. legal system and basic value system?
  26. For the first 200 years, English origin churches (i.e., Anglican and Congregational) dominated the North American scene.
  27. English melodies were the basis of most popular songs before, during, and right after the American Revolution.
  28. Public schools in the 19th century
    were a means of socializing students into the values that fit in with the emerging industrial system
  29. A view at the center of the U. S. value system that states that every individual has a duty to work hard and maintain self-discipline is known as
    the Protestant work ethic
  30. Large numbers of immigrants from Ireland and Africa were imported to America in the 18th century because
    there was a heavy demand for labor in America
  31. The absence of much recent scholarly research and analysis of English Americans is largely because this group
    has become identified with the sociocultural background of U. S. society
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exam 2