Cranial Nerves

  1. Name the cranial nerves
    • I. Olfactory
    • II. Optic
    • III. Oculomotor
    • IV. Trochlear
    • V. Trigeminal
    • VI. Abducen
    • VII. Facial
    • VIII. Vestibulocochler
    • IX. Glossopharyngeal
    • X. Vagus
    • XI. Accessory
    • XII. Hypoglossal
  2. Olfactory cranial nerve
    Sense of smell
  3. Optical cranial nerve
    • Eye movement 1, 3 & 11 o'clock.
    • Visual acuity; Peripheral vision

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  4. Trochlear cranial nerve
    Eye movement 5 & 7 o'clock
  5. Trigeninal cranial nerve
    Corneal touch reflex
  6. Abducens cranial nerve
    Eye movement 3 & 9 o'clock
  7. Facial cranial nerve
    Front 2/3 of tongue; eyebrown and eyelid movement
  8. Vestibulochler cranial nerve
    Hearing and balance
  9. Glossopharyngeal cranial nerve
    Back 1/3 of tongue; gag reflex & swallowing
  10. Vagus cranial nerve
  11. Accessory cranial nerve
    Rotate head and shrug shoulders against resistance
  12. Hypoglossal cranial nerve
    Movement of tongue
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Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves