Government Chapter 1

  1. Americans
    are less supportive of income redistribution than Europeans.
  2. Many of the conflicts in American politics today revolve around
    the proper scope of government.
  3. Which of the following statements describes America’s growing population since its founding?
    The number of elderly Americans has grown and the number of children eighteen and under has declined.
  4. A system of government that recognizes no formal limits on its power is called
  5. Trust in government in the US
    has declined in the last 50 years.
  6. Which of the following is the primary responsibility of the Federal Government?
    NONE of these are responsibilities of the Federal government
  7. The trend line of Americans’ trust in the federal government
    rose in the 1990s and peaked in 2002.
  8. Realistically, the United States did not become a full practicing democracy until:
    the 1960s.
  9. A student council is an example of:
    representative democracy.
  10. According to the authors of the text, good citizenship requires
    Political knowledge and political engagement.
  11. The majority of Americans believe that “government is run by a few big interests” and that government officials “don’t care what people think.” The term used to describe this would be
    low efficacy.
  12. Which is a key American value in our political culture?
    Liberty, Equality, and Democracy.
  13. The United States’ core political values are
    liberty, equality, and democracy.
  14. According to Harold Lasswell, politics is
    who gets what, when, and how
  15. In a democracy, sovereignty is vested in:
    the people.
  16. Throughout U.S. history, Americans have
    been suspicious of strong government.
  17. According to your textbook, why are knowledgeable citizens more engaged in politics?
    because they understand how politics affects their lives
  18. How much do Americans know about their government?
    Very Little
  19. According to the ancient Greeks, a citizen is
    one who is knowledgeable of and actively participates in government.
  20. In nineteenth-century Prussia, Otto von Bismarck introduced social reforms to aid the lower class because he:
    was trying to offset the growing power of the middle class.
  21. In recent years, more and more Americans are learning about government from
    Late-night comedians
  22. The formal institutions that rule a people are called its
  23. Laissez-faire capitalism has been limited by
    government regulation.
  24. What kind of government do we have?
  25. The gambling industry in your state wants to change the state Constitution to allow gambling. They organize a campaign through voter signatures and put their proposal directly on the ballot. This is called a(n)
    ballot initiative
  26. Government run by a few people is called
  27. Which of the following is not a principle of our democracy?
    Complete freedom.
  28. Which of the following is not part of the U.S. political culture?
    belief in equality of results.
  29. The bourgeoisie of western Europe wanted to
    promote political participation for the middle classes.
  30. In which of the following activities will a typical college student feel the presence of their state government?
    takes American Government 101
  31. The belief that citizens can affect government is called political
  32. The U.S. definition of liberty refers to
    personal and economic freedom.
  33. The framers of the Constitution stipulated that the number of representatives in the House of Representatives “shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand…” constituents, but today the average member of Congress represents approximately how many people?
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Government Chapter 1
Chapter one flash cards