BI: General Tertiary Literature

  1. What is Tertiary Literature?
    • Recall that Tertiary Literature is usually the first starting place for searching for an answer. Tertiary Literature may include the following types of resources:
    • 1) Textbooks
    • 2) Online Resources (eFacts, Micromedex, LexiComp)
    • 3) Review Articles
    • 4) Editorials
    • 5) Some websites
  2. What are some benefits of Tertiary Literature?
    • 1) Easy to Use
    • 2) Convenient
    • 3) Concise and Compact
    • 4) Usually referenced
    • 5) Considered topic overview
  3. What are some limitations of Tertiary Literature?
    • 1) Incomplete Information
    • 2) Outdated
    • 3) Author or Editor Bias/Errors
    • 4) Incorrect interpretation of literature
    • 5) Lack of expertise by author or editor
  4. What type of General Tertiary Literature should I reference for my question?
    • 1) Drug Information: drug monograph book
    • 2) Diagnosis of disease: medical textbook
    • 3) Treatment of disease: pharmacotherapy textbook
    • 4) How the drug works: pharmacology textbook
  5. Drug Monograph Book: Drug Facts & Comparisons
    • Generic Drug Name
    • Drug Class
    • Approved & Unapproved Indications
    • Pregnancy Categories
    • Dosage
    • Dose Adjustment (Renal, Hepatic & Elderly)
    • Routes of Administration
    • Pharmacology/Kinetics
    • Common Side Effects
    • Drug Interactions
    • Contraindications
    • Patient Information
    • Lab Interactions
    • Dosage Forms
    • Canadian Brand Names
    • Investigational drugs
    • Manufacturer Contact List
    • Orphan Drugs
    • Special Formulary Products
  6. Drug Monograph Book: American Drug Index

    Image Upload 2
    • Generic Drug Name
    • Drug Class
    • Pregnancy Categories
    • Dosage
    • Pronunciation
    • TALL MAN Lettering
    • Look Alike-Sound Alike Names
    • Dosage Forms
    • Calculations
    • CS Summary
    • Discontinued Drugs
    • Do Not Crush
    • Manufacturer Contact List
    • Vaccinations/Immunizations
    • Organized by Alphabetical listing of brand drugs (not generic). Not very comprehensive.
    • American Drug Index does NOT cover:
    • •Dose adjusting



    •Common side effects

    •Drug interactions

    •Lab interactions


    • •Patient information
  7. Drug Monograph Book: American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS)

    Image Upload 4
    • Generic Drug Name
    • Drug Class
    • Approved & Unapproved Indications
    • Pregnancy Categories
    • Dosage
    • Dose Adjustment
    • Routes of Administration
    • Look Alike-Sound Alike Names
    • Pharmacology/Kinetics
    • Common Side Effects
    • Drug Interactions
    • Contraindications
    • Lab Interactions
    • Dosage Forms
    • IV Preparation Information

    AHFS is organized by Therapeutic Class and is quite comprehensive.
  8. Drug Monograph Book: Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)

    Image Upload 6
    • Generic Drug Name
    • Drug Class
    • Approved Indications Only
    • Pregnancy Categories
    • Dosage
    • Dose Adjustment
    • Routes of Administration
    • Pronunciation
    • Look Alike-Sound Alike Names
    • Pharmacology/Kinetics (variable)
    • Common Side Effects
    • Drug Interactions
    • Contraindications
    • Patient Information
    • Lab Interactions
    • Dosage Forms
    • Drugs that cause photosensitivity
    • Do Not Crush
    • Manufacturer Contact List
    • MedWatch (Adverse Drug Reaction Form to be submitted to FDA)Pictures
    • Poison Control Center Information
    • VARS (Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting Form)
    • Contains monographs (package inserts) submitted directly by the manufacturer, therefore, there is potential for bias.

    Also, only more recent drugs are featured (again, because monographs are submitted by the drug companies themselves).

    • Information is not always consistent on the same drug if different manufacturers make it.
    • Keep in mind some health care providers receive this book free from manufacturers because it's a form of advertising.

  9. Drug Monograph Book: Lexi-Comp Drug Information Handbook

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    • Generic Drug Name
    • Drug Class
    • Approved & Unapproved Indications
    • Pregnancy Categories
    • Dosage
    • Dose Adjustment
    • Routes of Administration
    • Pronunciation
    • TALL MAN Lettering
    • Look Alike-Sound Alike Names
    • Pharmacology/Kinetics
    • Common Side Effects
    • Drug Interactions
    • Contraindications
    • Patient Information
    • Lab Interactions
    • Dosage Forms
    • Desensitization & Skin Testing Guidelines
    • Do Not Crush
    • Drug comparsion chart Meds
    • How to Discard Ununsed
    • Renal Fx Assessment
    • Treatment Guidelines
    • Vaccinations/Immunizations
    • Organized by Generic Name in Alphabetical order.

  10. Drug Monograph Book: USPDI Volume I

    Image Upload 10
    • Generic Drug Name
    • Drug Class
    • Approved & Unapproved Indications
    • Pregnancy Categories
    • Dosage
    • Dose Adjustment
    • Routes of Administration
    • Pharmacology/Kinetics
    • Common Side Effects
    • Drug Interactions
    • Contraindications
    • Patient Information
    • Dosage Forms
    • Manufacturer Contact List
    • Off label use
    • Pictures
    • Poison Control Centers

    Drug Monographs intended for the Healthcare professional.

    Monographs arranged in alphabetical order by generic name.

    Contains some information on pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, adverse effects and precautions.
  11. Drug Monograph Book: USPDI Volume II

    Image Upload 12
    • Generic Drug Name
    • Drug Class
    • Approved & Unapproved Indications
    • Pregnancy Categories
    • Routes of Administration
    • Pronunciation
    • Common Side Effects
    • Patient Information
    • Dosage Forms
    • Manufacturer Contact List
    • Pictures
    • Poison Control Centers
    • General information for prescription and non-prescription drugs.

    • Intended for general public (the patient) because it is written in lay language.
    • Wide range of general info for the patient including: what to do before taking meds, proper use, and how to avoid medication mishaps.
  12. Drug Monograph Book: USPDI Volume III
    • Generic Drug Name
    • Approved & Unapproved Indications
    • Dosage
    • Routes of Administration
    • Patient Information
    • Lab Interactions
    • Dosage Forms
    • Law and Legal
    • Approved Drug Products
    • Manufacturer Contact List
    • Orange book (part I)
    • Patent Expiration Dates
    • Packaging Legal Requirements (ie the max amount of iron that can be in a product)
    • Poison Control Centers
    • Storage Requirements

    Your go-to Legal Reference.
  13. Medicine Textbook: Cecil's Textbook of Medicine

    Image Upload 14
    • Disease States:
    • Definition
    • Epidemiology
    • Pathophysiology
    • Clinical Manifestations
    • Diagnosis

    Designed for Physician Use in diagnosing.

    Not a drug book!
  14. Medicine Textbook: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

    Image Upload 16
    • Disease States:
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment
    • Pathology
    • General Clinical Information
    • Internal Medicine
    • Index of Algorithms

    Organized by Organ Systems. For Medical Professionals.
  15. Medicine Textbook: The Merck Manual

    Image Upload 18
    • Diagnosis and Treatment Info
    • Pronunciation Information
    • Smoking Cessation
    • Care of Terminal Patients
    • Rehabilitation

    Organized by organ systems.

    Written in lay terminology for easy understanding. Made for general public/patients.

    Available Free Online:
  16. Medicine Textbook: The Washington Manual

    Image Upload 20
    • Disease States
    • How to write Prescriptions
    • Nutritional Support
    • Immunizations

    Intended as a "pocketbook" handbook for Healthcare Professionals.

    Organized by Organ Systems.
  17. Pharmacology Textbook: The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics

    Image Upload 22
    • Pharmokinetics
    • Pharmacodynamics
    • Pharmacogenetics
    • Principles of Prescription Writing & Patient Compliance
    • Designing & Optimizing Dosage Regimens

    Organized by Therapy.

    Correlates Pharmacology with Medical Related Sciences, so intended for students.

    The "Bible" of Pharmacology.

    NOT a Therapeutics Book!
  18. Pharmacology Textbook: Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (Katzung)

    Image Upload 24
    • Generic Drug Names
    • Drug Class
    • Indications
    • Pharmacology
    • Pharamacokinetics
    • Toxicity
    • Contraindications
    • Available Dosage Forms
    • Controlled Drug Schedules
    • Dietary Supplements
    • Full Color Illustrations
    • Herbal Medications
    • Immunizations
    • Sequence used in Pharmacology Courses.
  19. Therapeutics Textbook: Pharmacotherapy (Dipiro)

    Image Upload 26
    • Evidence-Based Therapeutics
    • Guidelines for monitoring disease states

    Comprehensive Resource that can be dense in places. Does not have drug information. Chapter density varies by author. This is the official Wingate University School of Pharmacy therapeutics textbook.
  20. Therapeutics Textbook: Applied Therapeutics (Koda-Kimble)

    Image Upload 28
    • Disease State
    • Epidemiology
    • Pathophysiology
    • Diagnosis
    • Monitoring
    • Dosing Guidelines
    • Treatment Options
    • Nutritional Supplements
    • Herbal Medicine
    • Women's Health
    • Pediatrics
    • Geriatrics
    • End of Life Care

    Organized by Disease State.
  21. Therapeutics Textbook: Textbook of Therapeutics (Herfindal)

    Image Upload 30
    • Disease State Information
    • Treatments (Drugs, Lifestyle, Prevention)
    • Treatment Guidelines/Goals
    • Immunizations
    • Case Studies
    • SOAP Notes

    Organized by Organ Systems.

    Reference to Primary articles.

    The best of the the Therapeutics Textbooks.
  22. Miscellaneous Pharmacy References: Drug Topics Red Book

    Image Upload 32
    • Monographs
    • NDC Numbers
    • Pricing Information (including AWP's)
    • Reimbursement Information
    • Patient Assistance Programs
    • Manufacturer Contact List
    • Look Alike Sound Alike Drug Names
    • Dosage
    • Dosage Forms
    • Package Size
    • Sugar-Free
    • Lactose-Free
    • Galactose-Free
    • Sulfite-Containing
    • Photographs/Pictures
    • Herbal Medicine
    • Recently Approved OTC & Generic Drugs
    • Prescription to OTC Switches
    • Poison Control Centers

    Lots of random information that not other books have, but certainly not a comprehensive drug guide.

    This is a compiled book of LISTS.
  23. Miscellaneous Pharmacy References: Remington's: The Science & Practice of Pharmacy

    Image Upload 34
    • History of Pharmacy
    • Bioethics
    • Pharmacy Practice
    • Emphasis on Compounding
    • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
    • Pictures
  24. Miscellaneous Pharmacy References: United States Pharmacopeia/ The National Formulary (USP/NF)

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    • Manufacturing Procedures
    • Tests & Assays
    • Labeling Information (from Manufacturer)
    • Storage Information (from Manufacturer)

    USP: indications for compounding (Must be present in a compounding facility!)

    NF: list of medications approved in the USA

    Mainly used for manufacturing purposes.

    This book sets the standard for manufacturing & compounding.
  25. Where can I find information on Poison Control Centers?
    • The Red Book
    • Physician's Desk Reference (PDR)
    • USPDI Volume I (only)
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BI: General Tertiary Literature
BI: 2/14/2011 General Tertiary Literature