Eng Midterm

  1. Fix: We will file the appropriate forms in the event that we cannot meet the deadline.
    We will file the appropriate forms if we cannot meeth the deadline.
  2. Fix: Daniel is employed at a software company working as a marketing assistant.
    Daniel works at a software company as a marketing assisant.
  3. Fix: Burying nuclear waste in Antarctica would be in violation of an international treaty.
    Burying waste in Antartica violate an international treaty.
  4. Fix: When Rosa Parks was resistant to giving up her seat on the bus, she became a civil rights hero.
    When Rosa Parks resisted giving up her seat on the bus, she became a civil rights hero.
  5. Fix: The transformer was struck by lighting.
    Lighting struck the transformer.
  6. Fix: Cross-training involves a variety of exercises, such as running, swimming, and lifting.
    Cross-training involves a variety of exercises, such as running, swimming, and weight lifting.
  7. Fix: Children who study music also learn confidence, coordination, and they are creative.
    Children who study music also learn confidence, coordination, and creativity.
  8. Fix: Many states are reducing property taxes for home owners and extend financial aid in form of tax credits to renters.
    Many states are reducing property taxes for home owners and extending financial aid in form of tax credits to renters.
  9. Fix: It is easier to speak in abstractions than grounding one's thoughts in reality.
    It is easier to speak in abstractions than to ground one's thoughts in reality.
  10. Fix: Some of the regulars are acquaintances whom we see at work or live in our community.
    Some of the regulars are acquaintances whom we see at work or who live in our community.
Card Set
Eng Midterm
English Grammar Midterm Practice