community corrections

  1. a nonincarcerative santion in which offenders serve all or a portion of their sentence in the community.
    commuinty corrections
  2. the community supervision of a convicted offender in lieu of incarcetation under conditions imposed by the courty for a specified period during which the court retains authourity to midify the conditions or to resentence the offender if he or she violates the conditions.
  3. a sentencing philosophy that encourages rehabititation and incorporateds a broad sentencing range where discretionary release is determined by a parole board based on the offenders remorse, insight into his or her mistakes, involvement in rehabiltitation, and readiness to return to society.
    indeterminate sentencing
  4. a statutorily determined sentence that offenders will presumably receive if convicted. offenders convicted in a jurisdiction with presumptive sentences will be assessed this sentence unless mitigating or aggravating circumstances are found to exist
    presumptive sentence
  5. a sentencing philosophy that focuses on consistency for the crime committed, specifying by statue or sentencing guidelines an exact amount or narrow range of time to be served in prison or in the community, which mandates the minimum amount of time before the offender is eligible if at all for release. Also known as presumptive, fixed or mandatory sentence.
    determinate sentencing
  6. court ordered correctional supervision of a defendant who has not yet been convicted whereby the defendant participates in activities such as reporting, house arrest, and electronic monitoring to ensure appearance at the next court date.
    pretrail supervision
  7. a spectrum of community supervision strategies that vary greatly in terms of their supervision level and treatment capacity, ranging from diversion to short-term duration in a residential community facility.
    intermediate sanctions
  8. any activity or program conducted to prepare ex convicts to return safely to the community and to live as law abiding citizens.
    prisoner reentry
  9. a minimum securtiy community based or institutional setting for offenders who have spent time in prison and are nearing relaease. The focus of these programs includes transitioning, securing a job, and reestablishing family connections.
    prerelease program
  10. early privileged release of a convicted offender from a penal or correctional instituion, under the continual custody of the state, to serve the remainder of his or her sentence in the community under supervision
  11. an incarcerative sanction in which offenders serve their sentence away from the communty in a jail or prison institution.
    institutional corrections
  12. various sentencing philosophies and practices that emphasize the offender taking responsiblity to repair the harm done to the victim and to the surrounding community. includes forms or victim offender mediation, reparation panels, circle sentencing, and monetary sanctions.
    restorative justice
  13. integrating into everyday practice the correctional programs and techniques that have been shown to be the most effective with offenders using evaluation results from systematically evaluated research studies.
    evidance based practices
  14. using stiffer punishment or excessive control for offenders who would have ordianrily been sentened to a lesser sanction
    net widening
  15. the repetition of or return to crimianl behavior, variously defined in one of three ways: rearrest, reconviction, or reincarceration.
  16. what are three compenents to help in the changing of an offenders attitude, and behavior and help in the prevention of future criminal behavior?
    reintegration, rehabilitation, and restorative justice
  17. the effectivness of comm supervision programs depends on what?
    how recidivism is defined and how long after supervison it is measured, wheather there is a comparison group, how the groups are selected, and if net widening occured.
  18. a defendants release in the communtiy following arrest as an alternative to detention while the defendant prepares for the next scheduled court appearance.
    pretrial release
  19. statutory authority that allows pretrail services officers to release the defendant before the initioal court appearance in front of the judge
    delegated release authority
  20. court ordered correctional supervision of a defendant who has not yet been convicted whereby the defendant participates in activities such as reporting, house arrest, and electronic monitoring to ensure appearance at the next court date
    pre trial supervision
  21. an alternative program to traditional criminal sentencing or juventile justice adjudication that provides first time offenders with a chance or addresses unique treatment needs, with the successufl comletion resulting in the dismissal of the current charges.
  22. a diversion program for drug addictis in which the judge, prosecutor, and probation officer play a proactive role and monitor the progress of the clientes throught weekly visits to the courtroom, using a process of graduated sanctions
    drug courts
  23. individuals who are favorabley discharged from drug court as a percentage of the total number admitted and not still enrolled.
    completion rates
  24. the combined total of the successful comleters and those anctively enrolled compared to eh tatal number admitted to drug court.
    retentaion rates
  25. a diversion program for mentally ill defendants in which the judge, prosecutor, and probation officer play a proactive role and monitor the progress of clients through weekly visits to the court room.
    mental health courts
  26. what is the purpose of a pre trial release program?
    the puropse is to ensure that the defendant appears for court and the public is safe while the defendant is out on bond
  27. will the offender have a formal record of conviction upon completion of a diversion program?
    no- but if they don complete it they will face charges/punishment
  28. the postconviction stage in which the defendant is brought before the court for formal judgment pronounced by a judge
  29. each defendants case is considered in total according to its subjectivities, harms, wrongs, and contexts, and then measured against concepts such as oppresstion, freedon, dignity and equality
    reflective justice
  30. a governing body that monitors the use of the sentencing guidelines and departures from the recommended sentences.
    sentencing commision
  31. conditions imposed on all offenders in all jurisdictions
    standard conditions
  32. conditions tailored to fit the needs of a offender.- what are some examples
    special conditions

    • attend literacy classes
    • get ged
    • go drug and alcohol treatment
    • attend parenting classes
    • seek mental healty
  33. conditions that are sufficiently esplicit so as to inform a reasonble person of the conduct that is required or prohibited
    clear conditions
  34. probation conditions that the offender can reasonbly comply with
    reasonble conditions
  35. a report submitted to the court before sentencing describing the nature of the offense, offender characteristics, criminal history, loss to the victim, and sentencing recommendations
    presentence investigation report- (psi)
  36. a report written by a probation officer after the defendant has pled guilty and been sentence in order to aid probation and parole officers in supervision, classification and program plans.
    post sentence report
  37. a sentencing philosophy that encourages rehabiltiation and incorporateds a broad sentencing range where discretionary release is determined by a parole board based on the offenders remorse, insight into his or her mistakes, involvement in rehabiltiation, and rediness to return to society
    indeterminate sentencing
  38. a presentence investigation report that seeks to understand the offender and the circumstances of theoffense and to evaluate the offenders potentioal as a law abiding, productive citizen.
    offender based prestnce report
  39. an investigation undertaken by a probation officer for the prupose of gathering and analyzing information to complete a report for the court.
    presentece investigation
  40. a presentence investigation report that focuses primarily on the offense committed, the offenders culpabiltiy, and prior criminal history.
    offense based presentence report
  41. a written account by the victim as to how the crime has taken a toll physically, emotionally, finacially, or psychologically on the victim. Victim impact statments are consedered by many states at time of
    sentincing and at parole board hearings
    victim impact statement
  42. the right of a defendant to read and rfute information in the p.s.i report prior to sentencing.
  43. info offered as a truthful assertion that does not come from the personal knowledge fo the person giving the information but from knowledge that person received from a third party.
    hearsay evidence
  44. a rule of evidence that enforce the 4th amendment prohibiton against unreasonable search and seizure, whereby illegal police searches are not admissible in a courty of law. the purpose is to deter police misconduct.
    exclusionary rule.
  45. supervision conditions are both ______ and ______.
    standard conditions, and special conditions
  46. what are the legal issues with the p.s.i?
    the offender has the opportunity to refute info contained in the report, hearsay evidance is allowed, and the interveiw does not require miranda warnings, nor the presence of an attorney
  47. what is indeterminatnt sentencing
    a range of sentencing - a minimal and maximal 3-9 years
  48. what is determinant sentencing
    a definate sentencing
  49. what are the three major decision points( front end, middle, back end)
    • front end- arrested, bail, pre trial
    • middle- sentencing- prison, probation
    • back end- re-entry
  50. how does cc fit correctional goals?
    • protection of the public
    • rehabilitation
    • restoritive or community justice
    • detterence through shaming
  51. if you have a felony when does diverson come?
    after the arraignment
  52. if you have a misd when does the diversion come?
    at the pre trial
  53. what things does the judge look at when setting bond?
    • the def. character
    • mental condition
    • local address
    • time spent in area
    • employment
    • prior convictions
    • Fta
  54. common pleas court only sees ______ cases?
  55. what type of bond do most offenders get?
    unsecured bond
  56. type of bond where defendant pays no money to the court, buy is liable for the full bail amount if fails to appear (fta)
    unsecured bond
  57. defendent signs an agreement to appear: no money is paid or owed to the court for FTA
    release on recognizances
  58. defendant is released with specific court ordered conditions
    conditional release
  59. use of a bail bond company where the bail company is liable if the defendant fta- bail co. charges a 10-15% fee for taking the risk.
    surety bond
  60. defendant deposits bail amount in cash or property collateral with court- money is returned after all court dates and is forfeited for fta.
  61. right to religion, speech, assembly- this amendment affects supervision bc of the religion aspect.
    1st amendment
  62. the right to search and seizure- what amendment? this is a supervision condition that has to do with the constitiution- always use police to assist you.
    fourth amendment
  63. this amendment quarentees the privlege against self incrimination with supervision conditions
    5th amendment
Card Set
community corrections
comm corrections chapters 1-3