Ch 14

  1. 삼촌
    uncle (14)
  2. 명절
    national holidays (14)
  3. 풍성하다
    to be rich, abundant (14)
  4. 송편
    a rice cake steamed on a layer of pine needles (14)
  5. 귀찮다
    to be troublesome, annoying (14)
  6. 섭섭하다
    to be sorry, be sad (14)
  7. 내외
    husband and wife (14)
  8. 평소에
    in ordinary days (14)
  9. 넉넉하다
    to be rich, enough (14)
  10. 빚다
    to make dumplings, stuffed (rice cakes)
  11. 빼다
    to except, omit (14)
  12. 서운하다
    to be sad (14)
  13. 폐를 끼치다
    to trouble (14)
  14. 뚜껑
    lid (14)
  15. 터지다
    to burst (open) (14)
  16. 국보
    national treasure (14)
  17. 상하다
    to be spoiled (14)
  18. 민지다
    to touch (14)
  19. 목이 빠지다
    (the head) to come off (14)
  20. 공공 장소
    public place (14)
  21. 훌륭하다
    to be great, outstanding (14)
Card Set
Ch 14
Chapter 14 vocab