Unit 4 IDs

  1. The symbol of the Republican political tactic of attacking Democrats with reminders of the Civil War
    the bloody shirt
  2. Corrupt construction company whose bribes and payoffs to congressmen and others created a major Grant administration scandal
    Credit Mobilier
  3. Short-lived thrid party of 1872 that attempted to curp Grant administration corruption
    Liberal Republican Party
  4. Mark Twain's sarcastic name for the post-Civil War era, which emphasized its atmosphere of greed and corruption
    Gilded Age
  5. Civil War Union veterans' organization that became a potent political bulwark of the republican party in the late nineteenth century
    Grand Army of the Republic
  6. Republican party faction led by Senator Rscoe Conkling that opposed all attempts at civil-service reform
  7. Republican party faction led my Senator James G. Blaine that paid lip service to government reform while still battling for patronage and spoils
  8. The complex political agreement between Republicans and Democrats that resolved the bitterly disputed election of 1876
    Compromise of 1877
  9. Sky-high Republican tariff of 1890 that caused widespread anger among farmers in the Midwest and the South
    McKinley's Tariff
  10. Insurgent political party that gained widespread support among farmers in the 1890s
    Populists (People's Party)
  11. Great military leader whose presidency foundered in corruption and political ineptitude
    Ulysses S. Grant
  12. Bold and unprincipled financier whose plot to corner the U.S. gold market nearly succeeded in 1869
    Jim Fisk
  13. Colorful, eccentric newspaper editor who carried the Liberal Republican and Democratic banners against Grant in 1872
    Horace Greeley
  14. Wealthy New York financier whose bank collapse in 1873 set off an economic depression
  15. Imperious New York senator and leader of the "Stalwart" faction of Republicans
    Roscoe Conkling
  16. Charming but corrupt "Half-breed" Republican senator and presidential nominee in 1884
    James G. Blaine
  17. Winner of the contested 1876 election who presided over the end of Reconstruction and a sharp economic downturn
    Rutherford B. Hayes
  18. President whose assassination after only a few months in office spurred the passage of a civil-service law
    James Garfield
  19. First Democratic president since the Civil War; defender of laissez-faire economics and low tariffs
    Grover Cleveland
  20. Eloquent young Congressman from Nebraska who became the most prominent advocate of "free silver" in the early 1890's
    William Jennings Bryan
  21. Enormously wealthy banker whose secret bailout of the federal government in 1895 aroused fierce public anger
    J.P. Morgan
  22. Federally owned acreage granted to the railroad companies in order to encourage the building of rail lines
    land grants
  23. The original transcontinental railroad, commissioned by Congress, which built its rail line west from Omaha
    Union Pacific Railroad
  24. The California-based railroad company, headed by Leland Stanford,that employed Chinese laboreres in building lines across the mountains
    Central Pacific Railroad
  25. Dishonest device by which railroad promoters artificially inflated the price of their stocks and bonds
    stock watering
  26. Supreme Court case of 1886 that prevented states from regulating railroads or other forms of interstate commerce
    Wabash case
  27. Federal regulatory agency often used by rail companies to stabilize the industry and prevent ruinous competition
    Interstate Commerce Commission
  28. Term that identified southern promoters' belief in a technologically advanced industrial South
    New South
  29. The conservative labor group that successfully organized a minority of American workers but left others out
    American Federation of Labor
  30. Former Calfiornia governor and organizer of the Central Pacific Railroad
    Leland Stanford
  31. Public-spirited railroad builder who assisted farmers in the northern areas served by his rail lines
    James J. Hill
  32. Aggressive energy-industry monopolist who used tough means to build a trust based on "horizontal integration"
    John D. Rockefeller
  33. Aggressive eastern railroad builder and consolidator who scorned the law as an obstacle to his enterprise
    Cornelius Vanderbilt
  34. Former teacher of the deaf whose invention created an entire new industry
    Alexander Graham Bell
  35. Inventive genius of industrialization who worked on devices such as the electric light, the phonograph, and the motion picture
    Thomas Edison
  36. Scottish immigrant who organzied a vast new industry on the principle of "vertical integration"
    Andrew Carnegie
  37. Eloquent leader of a secretive labor organization that made substantial gains in the 1880s before it suddenly collapsed
    Terence V. Powderly
  38. Illinois governor who pardoned the Haymarket anarchists
    John P. Altgeld
  39. Term for the post-1880 newcomers who came to America primarily from southern and eastern Europe
    New Immigration
  40. The religious doctrines preached by those who believed the churches should directly address economics and social problems
    social gospel
  41. Settlement house in the Chicago slums that became a model for women's involvement in urban social reform
    Hull House
  42. Nativist organization that attacked "New Immigrants" and Roman Catholicism in the 1880s and the 1890s
    American Protective Association
  43. Organization founded by W.E.B. Du Bois and others to advance black social and economic equality
  44. Henry George's best-selling book that advocated social reform through the imposition of a "single tax" on land
    Progress and Poverty
  45. Federal law promoted by a self-appointed morality crusader and used to prosecute moral and sexual dissidents
    Cornstock Law
  46. Women's organization founded by reformer Frances Willard and others to oppose alcohol consumption
    Women's Christian Temperance Union
  47. Leading social reformer who lived with the poor in the slums and pioneered new forms of activism for women
    Jane Addams
  48. Popular evangelical preacher who brought the tradition of old-time revivalism to the industrial city
    Dwight Moody
  49. Former slave who promoted industrial education and economic opportunity but not social equality for blacks
    Booker T. Washington
  50. Harvard-educated scholar and advocate of full black social and economic equality through the leadership of a "talented tenth"
    W.E.B. Du Bois
  51. Harvard scholar who made original contributions to modern psychology and philosophy
    William James
  52. Controverisal reformer whose book Progress and Poverty advocated solving problems of economic inequality by a tax on land
    Henry George
  53. Midwestern-born writer and lecturer who created a new style of American literature based on social realism and humor
    Mark Twain
  54. Radical feminist propagandist whose eloquent attacks on conventional social morality shocked many Americans in the 1870s
    Victoria Woodhull
  55. Well-connected and socially prominent historian who feared modern trends and sought relief in the beauty and culture of the past
    Henry Adams
  56. Southwestern Indian trible led by Geronimo that carried out some of the last fighting against white conquest
  57. Indian religious movement, originating out of the sacred Sun Dance that the federal government attempted to stamp out in 1890
    Ghost Dance
  58. Federal law that attempted to dissolve tribal landholding and establish Indians as individual farmers
    Dawes Severalty Act
  59. Huge silver and gold deposit that brought wealth and statehood to Nevada
    Comstock Lode
  60. General term for the herding of cattle from the grassy plains to the railroad terminals of Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming
    long drive
  61. Federal law that offered generous land opportunities to poorer farmers but also provided the unscrupulous with opportunities for hoaxes and fraud
    Homestead Act
  62. Bitter labor conflict in Chicago that brought gederal intervention and the jailing of union leader Eugene V. Debs
    Pullman Strike
  63. Spectacular convention speech by a young pro-silver advocate that brought him the Democratic presidential nomination in 1896
    Cross of Gold speech
  64. Popular term for those who favored the "status quo" in mental money and opposed the pro-silver Bryanites in 1896
  65. Site of major U.S. Army defeat in the Sioux War of 1876-1877
    Little Big Horn
  66. Leader of the Sioux during wars of 1876-1877
    Sitting Bull
  67. Leader of the Nez Perce tribe who conducted a brilliant but unsuccessful military campaign in 1877
    Chief Joeseph
  68. Leader of the Apaches of Arizona in their warfare with the whites
  69. Massachusetts writer whose books aroused sympathy for the plight of the Native Americans
    Helen Hunt Jackson
  70. Author of the popular pro-silver pamphlet "Coin's Financial School"
    William Hope Harvey
  71. Railway union leader who converted to socialism while serving jail time during the Pullman strike
    Eugene V. Debs
  72. Former Civil War general and Granger who ran as the Greenback Labor party candidate for president in 1880
    James Weaver
  73. Eloquent Kansas Populist who urged farmers to "raise less corn and more hell"
    Mary Lease
  74. Ohio industrialist and organizer of McKinley's victory over Bryan in the election of 1896
    Mark Hanna
  75. American battleship sent on a "friendly" visit to Cuba that ended in disaster and war
  76. John Hay's clever diplomatic efforts to preserve Chinese territorial integrity and maintain American access to China
    Open Door notes
  77. Antiforeign Chinese revolt of 1900 that brought military intervention by Western troops, including Americans
    Boxer Rebellion
  78. Diplomatic agreement of 1901 that permitted the United States to build and fortify a Central American canal alone, without British involvement
  79. Questionable extension of a traditional American policy; declared an American right to intervene in Latid American nations under certain circumstances
    Roosevelt Corollary
  80. Diplomatic understanding of 1907-1908 that ended a Japanese American crisis over treatment of Jamapense immigrantsto the U.S.
    Gentlemen's Agreement
  81. American naval officer who wrote influential books emphasizing sea power and advocating a big navy
    Alfred Thayer Mahan
  82. Filipino leader of a guerilla war against American rule from 1899-1901
    Emilio Aguinaldo
  83. Spanish general whose brutal tactics against Cuban rebels outraged American public opinion
    Valeriano Weyler
  84. Naval commander whose spectacular May Day victory in 1898 opened the doors to American imperialsim in Asia
    George E. Dewey
  85. Imperialist advocate, aggressive assistant navy secretary, Rough Riders
    Theodore Roosevelt
  86. Americal secretary of state who attempted to preserve Chinese independence and protect American interests in China
    John Hay
  87. Scheming French engineer who helped stage a revolution in Panama and then became the new country's "instant" foreign minister
    Philippe Bunau-Varilla
  88. Popular journalists who used publicity to expose corruption and attack abuses of power in business and government
  89. Progressive proposal to allow voters to bypass state legislatures and propose legislation themselves
  90. Progressive device that would enable voters to remove corrupt or ineffective officials from office
  91. Effective railroad-regulation law of 1906 that greatly strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission
    Hepburn Act
  92. Disastrous industrial fire of 1911 that spurred workmen's compensation laws and some state regulation of wages and hours in New York
    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
  93. Upton Sinclair's novel that inspired proconsumer federal laws regulating meant, food, and drugs
    The Jungle
  94. Generally unsuccessful Taft foreign policy in which government attempted to encourage overseas business ventures
    dollar diplomacy
  95. Eccentric economist who criticized the wealthy for "comspicuous consumption" and failure to serve real human needs
    Thorstein Veblen
  96. Early muckrakers who exposed the political corruption in many American cities
    Lincoln Steffens
  97. Leading muckraking journalist whose articles documented the standard Oil Company's abuse of power
    Ida Tarbell
  98. Progressive law aimed at curbing practices like those exposed in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle
    Seventeeth Amendment
  99. The most influential of the state-level progressive governors and a presidential aspirant in 1912
    Robert La Follette
  100. Case that upheld protective legislation on the grounds of women's supposed physical weakness
    Muller v. Oregon
  101. Politically inept inhibitor of the Roosevelt legacy who ended up allied with the reactionary Republican "Old Guard"
    William Howard Taft
  102. Supreme court ruling that overturned a progressive law mandating a ten-hour workday
    Lochner v. New York
  103. Proconservation federal official whose dismissal by Taft angered Roosevelt progressives
    Gifford Pinchot
  104. Wilson's political philosophy of restoring democracy through trust-busting and economic competition
    New Freedom
  105. New presidentially appointed regulatory commission designed to prevent monopoly and guard against unethical trade practices
    Federal Trade Commission
  106. Term for the three Latin American nations whose mediation prevented war between the United States and Mexico in 1914
    ABC Powers
  107. World War I alliance headed by Germany and Austria-Hungary
    Central Powers
  108. The coalition of powers-led by Britain, France, and Russia-that opposed Germany and its partners in World War I
  109. Southern-born intellectual who pursued strong moral goals in politics and the presidency
    Woodrow Wilson
  110. Mexican revolutionary whose bloody regime Wilson refused to recognize and nearly ended up fighting
    General Huerta
  111. Second revoltuionary Mexican president, who took aid from the United States but strongly resisted American military intervention in his country
    Venustiano Carranzo
  112. Mexican revolutionary whose assaults on American citizens and territory provoked a U.S. expedition into Mexico
    Pancho Villa
  113. Commander of the American military expedition into Mexico in 1916-1917
    John Pershing
  114. Autocratic ruler who symbolized ruthlessness and arrogance to many pro-Allied Americans
    Kaiser Wilhelm II
  115. Narrowly unsuccessful presidential candidate who tried to straddle both sides of the fence regarding American policy toward Germany
    Charles Evans Hughes
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Unit 4 IDs
Unit 4 IDs for American Pageant 13 edition