Lesson 55 - Lesoni nime nima

  1. Kepu did not prepare the lesson
    Na'e 'ikai ke teuteu 'e kepu e lesoni.
  2. He did not want to prepare it.
    Na'e 'ikai te ne fie teuteu ia.
  3. John did not want to go.
    Na'e 'ikai ke fie 'alu 'a sione.
  4. John did not want to do the work.
    Na'e 'ikai ke fie fai 'e Sione e ngaue
  5. I did not want to go.
    Na'e 'ikai te u fie 'alu
  6. I did not want to do the work.
    Na'e ikai te u fie fai e ngaue.
  7. John did not answer the question.
    Na'e 'ikai ke tali 'e Sione e fehu'i.
  8. He did not answer the question.
    Na'e 'ikai te ne tali e fehu'i.
  9. Mary does not remember Jane
    'Oku 'ikai ke manatu'i 'e Mele 'a Seini.
  10. She does not remember her
    'Oku ikai te ne manatu'i ia.
  11. Peter did not want the money.
    Na'e 'ikai ke fiema'u 'e Pita e pa'anga.
  12. He did not want the money.
    Na'e 'ikai te ne fiema'u e pa'anga.
  13. Jane did not give the message
    Na'e 'ikai ke tala 'e seini e fekau
  14. She did not give the message
    Na'e 'ikai te ne tala e fekau
  15. The fellow does not want me.
    'Oku 'ikai ke fiema'u au 'e he siana
  16. He does not want me
    'Oku 'ikai te ne fiema'u au
  17. The policeman did not find Lupe.
    Na'e 'ikai ke 'ilo 'a he polisis a Lupe
  18. He did not find Lupe.
    Na'e 'ikai te ne 'ilo 'a Lupe
  19. The boy doesn't want to do the work
    'Oku 'ikai ke fie fai 'e he tamasi'i e ngaue
  20. He doesn't want to do it
    'oku 'ikai te ne fie fai ia
  21. Peter did not answer the question
    Na'e 'ikai ke tali 'e Pita e fehu'i
  22. John did not want it.
    Na'e 'ikai ke fiema'u ia 'e Sione
  23. He didn't do it
    Na'e 'ikai te ne fai ia
  24. Message, order, command
  25. fellow, guy , man
  26. tell, relate, reveal, give
Card Set
Lesson 55 - Lesoni nime nima