ch 5 membranes

  1. What are the 4 components of the cellular membrane
    • 1.phospholipid bilayer
    • 2.transmembrane proteins
    • 3.interior protein network
    • 4.cell surface markers
  2. what does the phospholipid structure consist of
    • Glycerol
    • Fatty Acids
    • Phosphate Group
  3. What is Glycerol
    a 3-carbon polyacohol acting as a backbone for the phoshpholipid
  4. what are the 2-fatty acids attatched to
  5. the fatty acids that are nonpolar chains of carbon nd hydrogen their nopolar natures makes them---
  6. the fatty acids are
  7. the phosphate group is
  8. what forms the bilayer in membrame
    partially hydrophilic and partially hydrophobic phosopholipid
  9. which bonding holds the two phospholipid bilaryers together this shows that Phospholipid bilayers are
    • Hydrogen bonds
    • Fluid
  10. name about 5 functions of membrane protiens
    • transporters
    • enzymes
    • cell surface receptors
    • cell surface identity markers
    • abhesion protiens
    • attatchment to cytoskeleton
  11. movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration is called
  12. What is Passive Transport
    what do molecules move to in response of
    • Movement of molecules through the membrane in which no energy is required.
    • Concentration gradient
  13. What is selective permeability
    membrane protiens allow the cell to be selective about what passes through the membrane
  14. What has a polar interior allowing polar molecules to pass through
    Channel Protiens
  15. What is a carrior protien and what does it do
    carrior protien bind to a specific molecule to facilitate its passage
  16. what are Ion Channels and Gated channels
    • Ion-allow ions to go through that are associated with water
    • Gated-opened or closed in resposne to a stimulus
  17. Facilitated Diffiusion
    is movement of a molecule from high to low concentration with the help of a carrior protein
  18. what is a solvent
    water or the material that is doing the dissolving
  19. what is the solutes
    what is a solute and solvant
    • substance that is doing the dissolving
    • Solution
  20. what is osmosis
    movement of water from an area of high to low concentration of water or moevement of water toared area of HIGH SOLUTE CONCENTRATION
  21. which is higher level of concentrant vs lower
    hypertonic hypotonic
  22. explain what happens with plant cells and redblood cells in differient solutions
    look in book dont feel like typing it XD
  23. name 3 ways to determain osmotic balance
    • Extrusion
    • Isosmotic Regulation
    • Turgor presure
  24. whater is ejected through conctratile vacules is called
  25. involves keeping cells isotonic with their environment
    Isosmotic Regulation
  26. plant us to push the cell membrane against the cell wall adn keep the cell rigid
    Turgor pressure
  27. In bulk transports which term indicates movements of substance INTO
    and OUT
    • exocytosis
    • endocytosis
  28. what occures when the plasma membrane envelope food particles adn liquids. discribe proceedure
    • Phagocytosis=eats particular matter
    • Pinocytosis-takes in only fluid
    • receptor Mediated Endocytosis- particular molecules are taken in after they bind to receptor
  29. Will you Fail the Exaim and loose everything
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ch 5 membranes
ch 5 membranes