pharm chap 14

  1. fentanyl
    • aka duragesic
    • strong agonist opioid
  2. hydromorphone
    • aka dilaudid
    • strong agonist opioid
  3. meperidine
    • aka demerol
    • strong agonist opioid
  4. methadone
    • aka dolophine, methadose
    • strong agonist opioid
  5. morphine
    • aka roxanol, statex
    • strong agonist opioid
  6. codeine
    mild to moderate opioid agoinist
  7. hydrocodone
    • aka hycodan
    • mild to moderate opioid agoinist
  8. oxycodone
    • aka oxycontin
    • mild to moderate opioid agoinist
  9. propoxyphene
    • aka darvon, darvocet
    • mild to moderate opioid agoinist
  10. butorphanol
    • aka stadol
    • mixed angonist antagonist opioid
  11. buprenorphine
    • aka buprenex
    • mixed angonist antagonist opioid
  12. nalbuphine
    • aka nubain
    • mixed angonist antagonist opioid
  13. pentazocine
    • (talwin)
    • mixed angonist antagonist opioid
  14. nalmefene
    • (revex)
    • opioid antagonist (blocks opioid receptors, esp. mu receptors
  15. naloxone
    • (narcan)
    • opioid antagonist (blocks opioid receptors, esp. mu receptors
  16. naltrexone
    • (Re Via)
    • opioid antagonist (blocks opioid receptors, esp. mu receptors
  17. which drug uses a duragesic patch?
Card Set
pharm chap 14
opioid analgesics