Anthropology Test 1

  1. Anthropology
    The study of the human species and its immediate ancestors
  2. Encompassing past, present, and future; biology, society, language and culture
  3. Traditions and customs transmitted through learning
  4. Food production
    An economy based on plant cultivation and/or animal domestication
  5. Anthropology as a whole
    General Anthropology
  6. Biocultural
    Combining biological and cultural approaches to a given problem
  7. The comparative, cross-cultural study of human society and culture
    Cultural Anthropology
  8. Ethnography
    Fieldwork in a particular cultural setting
  9. Archaeological Anthropology
    The study of human behavior through material remains
  10. The study of sociocultural differences and similarities
  11. The study of human biological variation in time and space
    Biological Anthropology
  12. Linguistic Anthropology
    The study of language and linguistic diversity in time, space, and society
  13. Sociolinguistics
    The study of language in society
  14. Using anthropology to solve contemporary problems
    Applied Anthropology
  15. Enculturation
    The process in which culture is learned and transmitted across generations
  16. Member of hominid family; any fossil or living human, chimp, or gorilla
  17. Hominids excluding the African apes; all the human species that have ever existed
  18. Different cultural traditions associated with subgroups in the same nation
  19. Ethnocentrism
    Judging other cultures using one's own cultural standards
  20. Acculturation
    An exchange of cultural features between groups in firsthand context
  21. Measurement of human body parts and dimensions
  22. Fossils
    Remains of ancient life
  23. Absolute Dating
    Dates for archaeological materials based on solar years, centuries, or other measures of absolute time
  24. Designating an event, object, or fossil as being older or younger than another
    Relative Dating
  25. What are the 4 subdisciplines of Anthropology?
    • Biological Anthropology
    • Cultural Anthropology
    • Linguistic Anthropology
    • Archaeology
  26. How do we find archaeological sites?
    • Survey
    • Shovel testing
    • Written records
    • Local informants
    • Aerial photos
    • Satellite images
    • Accident
  27. Seriation
    Senquencing cultural remains into chronological based on stylistic features
  28. Change in living organisms over time
  29. Charles Darwin
    • 1859 - On The Origin of Species
    • Theory of natural selection
    • Evolution
  30. Similarities that arise from a similar selective adaptive force
  31. Homology
    Similarities jointly inherited from a common ancestor
  32. Georges Cuvier
  33. Charles Lyell
    • Uniformitarianism
    • the natural process that shaped the world today, were the same that shaped the world in the past
  34. What are the 3 subfields of genetic investigation?
    • Mendelian Genetics
    • Biochemical Genetics
    • Population Genetics
  35. Neurological Diseases
    • Color blindness
    • Down syndrome
  36. Hypertension
    Circulatory disease
  37. Mental Health Diseases
    • Depression
    • Schizophrenia
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Addiction
  38. Who discovered heredity is determined by discrete particles or units?
    Gregor Mendel
  39. Characteristics of primates
    • Big brain
    • Heavy reliance on eyesight
    • Generalized teeth
    • Grasping hands and feet
    • Flexible shoulder and joint structure
    • One infant with a long gestation and childhood
    • Greater dependence on learning
  40. An ethnic group assumed to have a biological basis
  41. Identification with and feeling part of an ethnic group and exclusion from certain other groups because of their affiliation
  42. Bipedal
    Two-footed; upright locomotion
  43. Prosimians
    The primate suborder that includes lemurs, lorises and tarsiers
  44. Marked differences in male and female anatomy and temperament
    Sexual dimorphism
  45. Brachiation
    Under the branch swinging
  46. What are the major groups of primates?
    • Humans
    • Apes
    • Monkeys
    • Prosimians
  47. Characteristics of Apes
    • No tails
    • Have shoulders designed to brachiate
    • More intelligent and socially complex
    • Highly endangered
  48. Anthropoids
    • Humans
    • Apes
    • Monkeys
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Anthropology Test 1