Art 188 Midterm I pt1

    • Creator:
    • Carracci, Annibale, 1560-1609
    • Title: Dead Christ
    • Date: c.1582
    • Material: oil on canvas
    • Subject: Painting--Italy--16th C. A.D
    • Creator:
    • Titian
    • Title: Venus of Urbino
    • Work Type: painting
    • Date: 1538
    • Material: oil on canvas
    • Creator:
    • Masaccio, Florentine
    • Title: The Tribute Money, fresco from the Brancacci Chapel
    • Date: ca. 1427
    • Location: Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence
    • Material: fresco
    • Creator:
    • Raphael
    • Title: The Small Cowper Madonna
    • Date: ca. 1505
    • Creator:
    • Michelangelo
    • Title: Rome: Sistine Chapel: ceiling frescos: The Libyan Sibyl
    • Date: 1508-1512
    • Location: Sistine Chapel (Vatican Palace, Vatican City)
    • Material: fresco
    • Creator:
    • Masaccio
    • Title: The Holy Trinity
    • Date: 1427
    • Location: S. Maria Novella, Florence, Italy
    • Material: fresco
    • Creator:
    • Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
    • Title: The Calling of Saint Matthew
    • Work Type: painting
    • Date: 1599-1600
    • Location: San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome, Italy
    • Material: oil on canvas
    • Creator:
    • Jan van Eyck
    • Title: The Arnolfini Portrait
    • Date: 1434
    • Material: oil on oak
    • Creator:
    • Fra Angelico
    • Title: The Annunciation
    • Date: circa 1440-1445
    • Material: fresco
    • Creator:
    • Robert Campin and Assistant, South Netherlandish [Tournai], active by 1406,
    • died 1444
    • Title: The Annunciation Triptych
    • Date: ca. 1425
    • Material: Oil on wood
    • Creator:
    • Michelangelo
    • Title: Rome: Sistine Chapel: ceiling frescos: Creation of Adam
    • Date: 1508-1512
    • Location: Sistine Chapel (Vatican Palace, Vatican City)
    • Creator:
    • begun by Arnolfo di Cambio; Francesco Talenti; campanile by Giotto; dome by
    • Filippo Brunelleschi; lantern by Michelozzo di Bartolomeo; facade by Emilio de
    • Fabris
    • Title: Santa Maria del Fiore (Cathedral : Florence, Italy)
    • Date: 1296 - 1462; facade added in 1871 - 1887
    • Location: Florence, Italy
    • Creator:
    • Alberti, Leon Battista, Italian, 1404-1472
    • Title: Sant' Andrea, Mantua: interior, detail of nave showing barrel vaulted
    • and coffered side chapels, begun 1470
    • Location: Mantua, Italy
    • Creator:
    • Giambologna
    • Title: Rape of the Sabine Women
    • Work Type: sculpture
    • Date: 1582
    • Location: Loggia della Signoria (Florence, Italy)
    • Material: marble
    • Creator:
    • Nanni di Banco
    • Title: Orsanmichele: Four Crowned Ones
    • Location: Florence, Italy
    • Creator:
    • Giotto
    • Title: Ognissanti Madonna
    • Work Type: painting
    • Date: c. 1310
    • Material: tempera on wood
    • Creator:
    • Leonardo da Vinci
    • Title: Mona Lisa
    • Date: 1503-1506
    • Material: oil on wood
    • Creator:
    • Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472
    • Title: Mantua: S. Andrea Facade
    • Date: c.1470
    • Location: Mantua (Italy
    • Creator:
    • Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472
    • Title: Mantua: S. Andrea: Int.: nave
    • Date: designed 1470
    • Location: Mantua (Italy)
    • Creator:
    • Jan van Eyck
    • Title: Man in a Red Turban (Self Portrait?)
    • Date: 1433
    • Material: oil on wood
    • Creator:
    • Parmigianino
    • Title: Madonna with the Long Neck
    • Date: 1534-1540
    • Material: oil on panel
    • Creator:
    • Leonardo da Vinci
    • Title: Last Supper
    • Date: 1495-1498
    • Location: Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy
    • Material: tempera and oil on plaster
    • Creator:
    • Jacopo Tintoretto
    • Title: Last Supper
    • Work Type: painting
    • Date: 1592-1594
    • Location: San Giorgio maggiore (Venice, Italy)
    • Material: oil on canvas
    • Creator: Michelangelo
    • Title: Last Judgement, Sistine Chapel
    • Date: 1536-41
    • Location: Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome
    • Material: fresco
    • Creator:
    • Giotto, 1266?-1337
    • Title: Arena Chapel: North Wall: Lamentation over the dead Christ
    • Title: Capella degli Scrovegni
    • Date: 1305
    • Location: Cappella degli Scrovegni nell'Arena (Padua, Italy)
    • Material: fresco
    • Creator:
    • Artemisia Gentileschi
    • Title: Judith and Holofernes
    • Date: circa 1620
    • Material: oil on canvas
    • Repository: Uffizi, Florence
    • Creator: Durer, Albrecht
    • Title: Self-portrait in a Fur Cloak
    • Date: 1500
    • Location: Alte Pinakothek, Munich
    • Material: oil/wood
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Art 188 Midterm I pt1
Art pictures